Grrrr! Boys! (How much of this is going on?!)

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MintyAndGarry (TEAS)

Adult Guinea Pig
Nov 22, 2007
Reaction score
Director at TEAS (West Hunsbury), Northampton, UK
Well, after world war three, four and five last night, we've had another reshuffle. As some of you may know, Garry had been on his own because he was being bullied by Ben and Minty and Ben were living together.

For about 2 hours last night, Minty and Ben were chasing after each other, rumbling, teeth chattering and lunging at each other, teeth showing. Tried to calm them down, but nothing happened. In the end, Ben came off worse and has a bitten ear. It seems to be OK, not causing him too much bother. But now Garry is back in with Minty (just settled straight in after a bit of sniffing and chasing from Minty) and Ben is on his own. The cage isn't really big enough for him, but it'll have to do him for now (he'll get lots of floor time). Thing is, he upsets me because he's a bar chewer and pulls at them to get out initially. He's settled down more now though, but I really don't know what his best options are. He's fast approaching 5 months, which I know will be the worst bit. Should I wait til he's another couple of months older before I see what I should do? :-\
Not sure I can advise you on this as mine are all falling out at the moment too! 5-6 months seems to be the time it's most likely to happen. I'd have thought you could leave Minty and Garry as a pair and perhaps find a baby boar for Ben?


Mind you, my 3 baby girls of 6 weeks old have just fallen out... so it's not just the boys, bless 'them!

Good luck!

Thanks! When it looked like Garry would need the friend, it would've been easy - he's the most laid back pig! 8) But Ben is a different story - he's got bags of attitude! Will see what happens I suppose...these pigs like to keep us on our toes don't they?! ::) ;D :smitten:
my boars all fell out and around 5-6 months now i have them coupled off and badger (*who fought with EVERYONE) is on his own but his cage is next to the girls who he loves chatting to!
I only have 5 boars and one of them will not accept another boar so he is on his own the other 4 boars all live together. Elvis is having non of it. He seems a happy piggy and loves to chat to the boys through the boars but its just like your house if I put him with them.

Emma x
Definately something in the air! My boys are all over the place at the moment, so good luck with your three :D :D
my boars were like this for just over 2 months. I never seperated them though as there was no blood drawn. They are now best of friends and hate being apart. Every now and then we get the odd rumble and teeth chattering but only for a few minutes and they cuddle again. I'd either put them back together and leave them unless one draws blood from another or leave them a month and try again. xx
could be cause spring is in the air? other than that i would say hormones. perhaps try bathing them together and washing out their cage and put them in neutral terrority again and slowly reintroduce them again.
as for the girls are you sure the little mites are fighting or playing? hoping everyones piggies calm down, sending hugs and good vibes to all. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
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