Grrr when will this cold go away

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Adult Guinea Pig
Mar 11, 2007
Reaction score
Tyne and Wear
Grrr i have had a cod now for nearly 2 weeks, my head has been killing and i can't breath lying down. 2 days ago i developed a chesty cough, every time i cough i spook the piggies :P I went to tesco's for some veg hich is 2 mins walk from my house and by the time a got back i felt hot, sick and dizzy and couldn't breath properaly. My chest still feels weird and i still feel abit sick :( I'm feeling abit more energetic now but i was 1/2 an hour late with piggies veg cos i was to tired to pull myself of the couch :embarassed:

Sorry i'm just having abit moan at you all, anyone else contracted a horrible cold :(
You could have a chest infection, I would suggest going to see your GP. Sounds serious to me, hope you get better x x x
♥Ali-loves-piggies♥ said:
You could have a chest infection, I would suggest going to see your GP. Sounds serious to me, hope you get better x x x

Go see the doc you really could be more poorly than you think!
Hmmm i just thought it was a normal cold. I told my mam she says she dosn't have half the symtoms i do and she has a cold to. :(
kezza30 said:
Hmmm i just thought it was a normal cold. I told my mam she says she dosn't have half the symtoms i do and she has a cold to. :(

I don't want to worry you but my MIL has pleurisy and pneumonia and she thought it was a bad cold so go to your docs just in case, hope you feel better soon :(
both me and I think it was Debbie had similar probs turned out to be chest infection took A/Bs which helped but its back again so back for more I guess tomorrow have diabetes yearly check up so might mention it then
my chest was better but i just put the rabbits away it's started up again, it's a weird tightness feeling in y chest it's kinda hard to explain :(
Oh love you need to go to the doc's and have meds straight away :(
Try sleeping with an extra pillow or pop one under your mattress to raise it at the pillow end this helps sometimes for the breathing. Also try a vaporiser in the room to help with the breathing.
Hope you get better soon, 2 weeks is a long time to be feeling that lousy :(
Aww i hope you are feeling better soon and back to your normal feeling yourself soon.
Just treat yourself with some choci and a girly film curled up on the sofa with your dofa.
It makes being sick a pleasure!
EEK can't believe it's after 11am and i've only just got up, lazy sod :o y mams gone out to get me some vaperisor stuff . I feel like poo this morning hence late getting up and it's raining, hate rain makes me feel eving pooer (is that i word, lol) Oh well atleast meand th piggies took advantage of th sun yesterday :)

I was going to wait til Monday see if it goes by then, if not i'll go to the docs. :)
Go now Kezza I would recommend at Monday's ages away. I hate going to the doctors so understand that but you might need medicine from there.
Yeah good idea. I'll ask my mam to ring up when she gets back, i have a phobia o using pons so couldn't do it myself :embarassed: I just got back rom feding the buns, had to wait for the rain to stop pouring so buttons didn't get soake and i'm out of breath again i only went in the garden to feed 3 buns :(
Yeah i'm petrified of honing people, mam thinks i'm just weird ::)

It's soooo cold today, put the heating on and i'm wraped up in my dressing gown and blanket. The colds making my skin hurt cos i'm just freezing :(
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