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Growth on teeth?


New Born Pup
Jun 27, 2020
Reaction score
Hello lovely people,

I have just noticed something on Brian's bottom teeth. I'm not sure if it's wedged food or his actual teeth.
I feel terrible because I haven't checked their teeth for a few weeks, I've been making sure they are fed and watered and cleaned out regularly but I haven't had too much time for them as my Dad died quite suddenly so we've had a lot going on.... They're not very cuddly piggies so we have them out for cuddles maybe once a week and it's not for long as they get grumpy when the greens run out.
They have both been eating well and their weight has been fine - no weight loss of any significance.
The only thing I had noticed was that Brian didn't want any pea flakes which was unusual because he would go crazy for them.

I'm going to try and get a vets appointment for tomorrow but any idea what it is? I feel awful if he's been in pain and I didn't know 😥

Thank you so much for reading,

The Needy Owner (Portia) x


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It’s obviously very difficult for us to tell much from a picture but my initial thought is food caught round his teeth. Have you tried to see if you can move it?

I am sorry for the loss of your dad
Thank you @Piggies&buns I'm absolutely hear broken, he was so young 😔

I've tried dislodging it but to no avail, plus I'm also scared of Brian biting me 🙈 x
Thank you @Claire W ❤️

Just pellets, hay and greens. I think it could be pea flakes 🤔 I did use a wooden nail stick to try and move it but couldn't, I was too scared I would hurt him x
Does it feel soft or hard? I mean, I don't know what pea flakes feel like but it does look like a bit of food. It almost looks like it is skewered on his teeth like a kebab which might explain why he hasn't been able to shift it himself?! Try using just your finger to slide it upwards... softened impaled food should move even if you can't slide it off, but if it's some crazy weird gum growth it'll be attached. My money's on food though.
Have you got a little plastic syringe he can chew at to distract him while you're having a go?

I am very sorry for your loss and the tough time you are having.

Please see a vet tomorrow for a large piece of food wedged on his front teeth that makes eating difficult. You don't get growths on teeth like that but the stuff looks like it has been there for more than a day.

These things always happen at the worst of times, so please don't beat yourself up over it but concentrate on getting it sorted. It should hopefully not be too bad with a nurse holding your guinea pig while the vet is working it gently off. ;)
Thank you @Free Ranger ❤️

Yes, I thought it looked like almost skewered with his teeth but didn't know how to describe it! I might have another go in the morning when he's calmed down x
Thank you so much @Wiebke ❤️

I think that's why I feel so bad because it looks like it's been there for a little while and I haven't noticed 😔 hopefully I can get him in tomorrow and they can remove it xxc
Thank you so much @Wiebke

I think that's why I feel so bad because it looks like it's been there for a little while and I haven't noticed 😔 hopefully I can get him in tomorrow and they can remove it xxc

There are times when you have too much to process or to organise to do more than just make sure that your piggies have what they need to tick over until your can get your own life back on track.
Stuff happens, and it is sadly not always nice. You have noticed now, so you tackle it as soon as you have. It doesn't make you a bad owner. If he had been really bad, you would have most likely picked up on it earlier.
@Wiebke You are so kind and we are so lucky to have you on this forum, I hope you know that your gentle words can make such a difference ❤ x

If it is any consolation to you, my Cariad came down with a bladder stone right in the middle of my very elderly Mother-in-law suddenly dying in Wales and me running up one day by train to do every second night watch with her in order to allow my hub some hours of rest (he was staying up in Wales), then travel back home by train on the following morning, medicate Cariad and tidy up all cages, go to sleep, make sure that our fickle business computer was coming on properly on the Monday morning, set up the piggies for another day, feed and medicate again just before leaving and repeat the whole process.
I organised a vet appointment for Cariad as soon as we were back home after my MIL had passed away because the antibiotic didn't seem to work. She was found to have a very quick growing bladder stone (she'd had a bladder flush just three months earlier), so I was sitting there with a freshly operated piggy helping hub to organise the funeral and then travel up to Wales again for it for the day... Thankfully by then Cariad was well enough not to need any feeding support anymore. Eventually I even got to catch up on my sleep!
Was what I did perfect? Of course, it wasn't. Try to be in two places at the same time... But I was able to give Cariad her medication as close to 24 hours as possible and also to make sure that the piggies had plenty of hay, fresh water and veg once daily; that we could keep our small business ticking over and that I was there to support my hub and his mother during her last nights and her last hours. I am still proud that I managed to keep everything going as much as I did despite running ragged myself.

You always just do the best you can under the circumstances. Be kind to yourself; you are a normal person and not a superhero. You only have one dad to lose. When you lose a parent, you suddenly lose half the fundation that underpins the person you have grown into. It is not just the parent or partner you love, but also a large part of yourself and of your life that suddenly seems to crumble away. That is not something that you can deal with quickly or lightly, not even when you get past the first cries and the initial numbness.
Don't beat yourself up about not getting 10 out of 10 right now. You are not playing for ratings; you are playing for survival here. As long as you and your piggies come through this time without any lasting damage, then you are doing fine. They will forgive you, feeling your distress. And yes, I have lost my own dad, so I know how it feels.

You may find our grieving guide helpful. It is written for pet owners but a lot of the experiences are the same when you are grieving for a person close to you. Human Bereavement: Grieving, Coping and Support Links for Guinea Pig Owners and Their Children

I'm so sorry for the loss of your Dad. I no longer have my parents and I know how devasting it is. Don't blame yourself about just giving your piggies the basics. I was barely functioning after I lost my Mum. I just went through the motions of daily life not really caring.
Take care and lovely words and support from all the members. It is very hard and you can only do what you can. You’ve spotted it and can get it sorted. Don’t forget to look after yourself - I’ll be thinking of you and Brian 🥰
Sending huge hugs. Don't beat yourself up, life happens and throws us curveballs at times. My dad was 58 when he passed away very suddenly and you go into autopilot. Most days I remember just getting the bare minimum done of veg, hay and change of water. After all we have to look after ourselves as well, it's just unlucky that something like this happened at the same time. Be kind to yourself
I’m so sorry for your loss xx

I think I’d be inclined to try and wrap him up snug, get someone else to hold him and use tweezers to slide that upward as it looks like the teeth have gone through something. I think pulling toward you won’t move it and might hurt. Tweezers make it feel less scary for you and your fingers!
Hello lovely people,

Just to update you that the grumpy Brian had a pesky pea flake literally skewered on his bottom teeth! The vet removed it in 5 mins! So relieved 😍
We had a brief cuddle on the sofa because he's still grumpy 🤣 but he seems happy!
Thank you for all your kind words, what a lovely little community we have ❤️
Hello lovely people,

Just to update you that the grumpy Brian had a pesky pea flake literally skewered on his bottom teeth! The vet removed it in 5 mins! So relieved 😍
We had a brief cuddle on the sofa because he's still grumpy 🤣 but he seems happy!
Thank you for all your kind words, what a lovely little community we have ❤
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It looked like something hard had got skewered on the incisor; not difficult to remove - but you need two pairs of hands. Dried sweetcorn is generally the worst offender for this to happen.

Perhaps you may want to break up your pea flakes a bit in the future. Use them sparingly as a treat.
Yes definitely will do this is the future; if Brain ever touches them again - he hasn't been interested in them for a week or so and to be honest, neither am I now 🙈 xxc
I’m so glad all turned out well for Brian - I can understand him ..... sometimes i’m grumpy 🥰
Oh doesn’t she look beautiful ! Good to know I’m not the only one to get a bit grumpy 😀