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Growth on lower gums? No clue what it is


New Born Pup
Jun 2, 2022
Reaction score
Hey everyone
I just adopted a new baby from my local animal shelter. I brought him home and let him get settled and once he was a little more relaxed I did a little check in to see if he was in good health or if I missed anything at the shelter. I noticed a slight smell around his mouth so I super gently pulled his lil lip down and I saw this? I have absolutely no idea what it could be.. Has anyone else seen something like this? Most definitely bringing him to the vet I just wanted to see if anyone else knew what may be going on… pic attached


  • FDEB3E93-A631-420C-AA5F-ECB2DF221C92.webp
    10.2 KB · Views: 29
Hey everyone
I just adopted a new baby from my local animal shelter. I brought him home and let him get settled and once he was a little more relaxed I did a little check in to see if he was in good health or if I missed anything at the shelter. I noticed a slight smell around his mouth so I super gently pulled his lil lip down and I saw this? I have absolutely no idea what it could be.. Has anyone else seen something like this? Most definitely bringing him to the vet I just wanted to see if anyone else knew what may be going on… pic attached


It looks like some food stuck on or around the lower incisors to me.
I agree, could you touch it to see if it will slide of or perhaps it’s a job for the vet, it does look like it might set up an infection if it’s left