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Growth in Eyelid

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Jan 22, 2008
Reaction score
Harleston, Norfolk
Thought I would post this for comments really! Just in case anyone had seen anything like it before. This is Rupert, a little boar who was born in rescue. He was born 'normal' but at a few weeks old developed a growth of hair on his inner eyelid, forcing the eyelid to turn out. The growth is now about pea-sized as you can see in the pic. He's not fully grown yet (born end Jan / early Feb). The vet said it would be easily removed once he was old enough to go under anaesthetic- my questions are

a) how big does he need to be?
b) will it re-occur?

The vet said it was that the cells inside the eye were wrong and therefore telling it to grow hair where it shouldn't.





His pretty side!


Also he's bonded with Giles, an older boar - I'm worried if I split them for the op and aftercare they might not re-bond now Rupert is a bit older - would it be necessary to keep them apart?


I'm sure a few of us are interested in knowing something about this!
I've heard of it happening in newborns, but not heard of it lasting this long though.
I saw Rupert when this had just appeared and it's certainly grown larger since then. I'm afraid I've still no idea whats going on but I too would be very interested to hear any info on it.

Teresa x
I did send this as a pm just in case it "upset" some readers.
I had a pig with this condition, entropion. I treated him by pulling out the hairs, in his case that was sufficient to cure the problem. Some cases need the lump itself removed, simple procedure, performed under local anaesthetic. Rather like removing a lump in fatty eye.
Thanks AP - I did ask whether the vet could do it with local and he said no, so I think I'll get him to Vedra if he does need it surgically removed!

The vet said it was a genetic mix-up in the DNA in the eyelid - and that it wouldn't come back once removed - is that right? He wasn't born with it

He's a rescue pig so should be rehomed but I obviously don't want to rehome him if he might have problems later on

A case of crossed PM!
Yes, tweezers.
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Holly gets something like this on her lower eyelid. First time it happened it was because she'd damaged her eye and they were going to removed it but they managed to remove the growth. It still grows back and the vet said it's not causnig any harm to her so there's no point in risking more ops for it to most likely grow back again. She gets an eye drop/gel that shrinks it but I can't remember the name of it. It's a silver/grey tube with an orange band around it.
It sounds as though Holly has "fatty eye", (it tends to give pigs a bloodhound appearance!)
If it is fatty eye leave well alone, it causes the pig no bother.
She gets an eye drop/gel that shrinks it but I can't remember the name of it. It's a silver/grey tube with an orange band around it.

Sounds like Fucithalmic. :)

Thanks for posting the info AP. It's good to know the name of the condition, it is one I always forget.
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