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Growing Dandelions, any tips?

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New Born Pup
Nov 3, 2012
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So I have decided to try and grow my own dandelions for the pigs in a deep planting trough. I have just planted them in regular soil with just a small scattering of seeds just under the top inch of soil.

Do i grow them outside?
How long will it take for them to begin to sprout?
How often do i need to water them and how much water?

Any advice on this is much appreciated thanks!
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You should see them popup soon. They grow well. When you pick the leaves, leave 3-4 standing, so the plant keeps adding new leaves.
I didn't even know you could get dandelion seeds! My piggies are not going to be impressed with me! I will get on the case ASAP xx
I grow them I get my seed from shelled warriors shop and I find its best to let them grow where you want to pick them so I grow them in large plant pots outside, I grow them under glass in winter. I water them when they need it and the take about 2 weeks to start to sprout and I pick one or two leaves at a time so the plant sprouts more out. I also chop the flower head off to prevent them getting everywhere in the garden :))
Water them every now and again, generally forget about them...works for me...they're weeds! Best grown when forgotten :)
Ha, my garden is full of them! My piggies aren't allowed to eat them anymore because of calcium / bladder issues, but the bees like the flowers.
Can I just jump in here...I have a confession to make...please don't hate me....since I've had my girls - 9 months now...they've never had a dandelion leaf. I am a crap piggie mum I know.

The thing that's held me back, is that we don't have any in the garden and when I've seen any wild ones I worry they may be polluted in some way. Is it ok to pick wild ones for them. What if a fox/dog/rabbit has wee'd on them? What do you all do?

Can I just jump in here...I have a confession to make...please don't hate me....since I've had my girls - 9 months now...they've never had a dandelion leaf. I am a crap piggie mum I know.

The thing that's held me back, is that we don't have any in the garden and when I've seen any wild ones I worry they may be polluted in some way. Is it ok to pick wild ones for them. What if a fox/dog/rabbit has wee'd on them? What do you all do?


I forage food for my tortoise, so the pigs often get some too. I pick weeds from various places, but away from traffic (or train!) pollution. I only pick the fresh looking ones (younger ones supposedly taste better and have less calcium) and when I get home I rinse them well in a collendar, then leave to stand in some fresh water for a few hours, then rinse a few more times...and no one has died yet!
some great tips here. My piggies love dandelions but as said always worry about dog/fox/animal wee etc hehe. Some good tips here..may have to start growing some in a pot or something :)
You can have ours if you want... they pop up even after we weeded and feeded the grass.. it's like day of the triffids here
You don't need to buy the seeds, they are everywhere. Just pick up a few seed heads from anywhere and plant them. You have to have a reasonable gap between them (about 10 cm / 4 inches) but they will grow in pots if you don't have a garden.
When I think of all the years I used to spend carefully weeding dandelions from my lawn ... and all the nagging to get OH to mow the lawn now I have to stop him so he doesn't damage the dandelions LOL.
You don't need to buy the seeds, they are everywhere. Just pick up a few seed heads from anywhere and plant them. You have to have a reasonable gap between them (about 10 cm / 4 inches) but they will grow in pots if you don't have a garden.
When I think of all the years I used to spend carefully weeding dandelions from my lawn ... and all the nagging to get OH to mow the lawn now I have to stop him so he doesn't damage the dandelions LOL.

Same here - the dandelions are plentiful on our front garden so won't let OH touch it :)
Lol we have plenty of dandelions here too - no need for me to plant any! :))

I often 'forage' for the guinea pigs and my rabbits from my own back garden. I purposely planted things like willow, apple, hawthorn and hazel for the piggies and rabbits. I have quite a few herbs too and hope to add more next year. They love it! I have just planted a blackcurrant bush too and will be adding raspberries as well. I have lots of Bramble too (leaves are supposed to be excellent for rabbit / piggy tummies!) - they planted themselves too lol.

All good stuff - and free too! ;)
Lol we have plenty of dandelions here too - no need for me to plant any! :))

I often 'forage' for the guinea pigs and my rabbits from my own back garden. I purposely planted things like willow, apple, hawthorn and hazel for the piggies and rabbits. I have quite a few herbs too and hope to add more next year. They love it! I have just planted a blackcurrant bush too and will be adding raspberries as well. I have lots of Bramble too (leaves are supposed to be excellent for rabbit / piggy tummies!) - they planted themselves too lol.

All good stuff - and free too! ;)

I have loads of brambles at the back of my garden but always been wary about feeding them to my piggies...do piggies generally seem to like them? I worry as my mum always gets a rash from the brambles as she is alergic...so always thinks thats her hands...will they hurt my piggies tummy... I'm guessing i have been worrying over nothing. rolleyes silly me
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