Group Bonding

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Caviesgalore (EPGPR)

Adult Guinea Pig
Feb 1, 2007
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OK I am having a bit of a nervous breakdown here!

I am in the process of trying to bond my 5 indoor girls, a trio and a pair. The pair is made up of Bumble (2ish) and Autumn (about 8 months), the trio is Bella (7), Betty (3/4 ish) and April (10ish months). The girls have had floor time "visiting" each others cages and have also spent time in a divided C&C.

Today I decided to remove the divider and see if I can get them into one group to which I plan to add our newly neutered boy, Alvin, after he has finished his neuter quarantine time. I have put in lots of hay, added fresh grass, sprinkled dry food around and have just popped in some more veggies. There are currently no houses, tunnels etc. in the run. It's ages since I last bonded a large group - why is bonding your own piggies so much more stressful than doing someone elses?!

Autumn is living up to her usual thugish personality and is clearly going to be top pig. The trio of girls are pretty laid back and I was able to introduce them very quickly and they got along from day one, no fall outs or handbags at dawn. Bumble and Autumn also live together quite happily - most of the time - although Autumn is very much a wind up merchant. We have had the usual chasing this morning and Autumn is telling everyone, in no uncertain terms, that she is the boss! The trio are still very much "together" as a unit and are trying to ignore the other two although Betty and Bumble have been lying next to each other. The girls have been together for almost 4 hours now, they go from being fairly chilled, lying down and ignoring each other to having a major chase around with lots of squealing but no injuries (frantically touching wood) or blood.

I am guessing I just need to sit it out at the moment and let them sort themselves out. I think I am going to leave them in the C&C run for a day or two in the hope they will settle down, which will also give me the opportunity to upgrade their new home.

For those of you who are used to bonding groups (Wiebke/Suzy ;)) am I missing anything? Any suggestions gratefully received - and thanks for allowing me to let off steam. Off to put the kettle on for another cuppa!
I know what you mean - however many bondings you have done, each of them is different... and rarely any less nerve racking!

Yours sounds pretty par for the course. If the chasing persists into the evening, I would separate the groups one last time for the night; you will find that everypig is much calmer by tomorrow and that the worst of the dominance will be over when they meet again.
Would you just put the divider back in the C&C Wiebke or actually pop each group back into its original cage?

Not sure about another cuppa, think I am going to need something stronger by this evening!
Just put the divider in if you find that one of the girls is really stressed out or the general tension level is too high. The trick is to let them work through as much dominance as possible, so the worst of it will be over by tomorrow.

Unless their is real potential for a full blown fight or the bullying gets out of bounds, I prefer to intervene as little as possible and leave them all together. A lot of my decisions are based on reading the body language.

In my last case, I separated Freya for the night (adjacent pen) as she clearly had enough, but not her companion Betty, who'd just slipped into the Tribe. Freya moved over by herself on the next morning as soon as she realised that the chasing had more or less stopped. She is integrating well now.

Ffwlbri, who spent a whole day pushing everypig right to the edge (but not over it), also needed a two day intro; the second day was quite short as tensions had gone.
Fingers crossed you can get them to all live in harmony! I had to do multiple bonding session with Fin and my girls but we got there in the end!
I am exhausted! Still the odd scabble going on and Autumn is the one causing all the trouble bless her! She is one of the smallest piggies, but has a huge personality. Just sat with them all again whilst they had their supper, veggies disappeared without too many issues until, yes you've guessed it, Autumn decided to clear up all the last bits, including veg hanging from the mouths of the other girls - what is she like!

I've followed Wiebke's advice and split the run for the night, added lots of fresh hay to both sides and all is now quiet - I think they are all shattered too.:)) Fingers crossed tomorrow improves. I've taken some pics, will try to get them uploaded shortly.
They will all be tired by tomorrow, so things should be a lot quieter.

Hopefully, Autumn will settle down eventually, but it will probably take a few days. I give my Tribe around two weeks shaking down time until all issues are settled.
I have to say it's fascinating watching all the hierarchy falling into place. Little April, who has only been with us about 8 weeks, plays it safe and takes herself off to a corner of the pen and just sits and watches the others causing havoc. She did the same at supper, but was probably the one that got exactly what she wanted to eat, she slipped in quietly, grabbed the food and retreated to her safe space.

Thanks again for your support today Wiebke.
I find bonding as fascinating as it can be nerve racking, and yes, exhausting on occasion and causing you sleepless nights if things are not going to plan...
Sorry I don't have much to offer advice wise but I'm really intrigued at the bonding in large groups. Please do keep us updated on how they form their heirachy x
Everypig was happy with the divided pen overnight and I will probably need to do the same again tonight. I popped the two groups into separate carriers whilst I tidied the pen this morning, added lots of fresh hay/grass/food and popped everyone back in. All good, everyone was happy to sit and stuff their little faces:(|)

We are still having a bit of chasing and name calling, predominently from Autumn and Bumble but things have been much calmer today. If the weather stays fine tomorrow I will try them out on the grass for a little while whilst I sort out their proper accommodation. Keep those fingers and toes crossed folks!
It sounds like it is going in the right direction. Just take it as it comes!
Thanks gang, just heading off to bed so about to put the divider in the for night just to give everyone a bit of a break.
I admire your nerves, bonding piggy's in my very limited experience is VERY nerve racking. After two of my sows drew blood I gave up and in a week or so will be adding new pig to go with my lone sow. Well done, it is quite an accomplishment if you ask me.
Fingers crossed I think we are getting there!:) My old girl Bella still screams at Autumn if she gets to close to her but I think it's very much a case of saying "clear off, this is my space" and thankfully she seems to be getting the message!

We are still having the odd scuffle but it's all a bit handbags at dawn now! Have been thinking through the new accommodation, I bought loads of cable ties yesterday, so once I've sorted the foster boys out I am going to have a play - the girls are still living in a c&c on the playroom floor at the moment!
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