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Bob and bob

Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 23, 2016
Reaction score
One of our piggies is fairly long haired, with summer hopefully around the corner I think it's important to get him trimmed up, and especially to keep his bum area neat where the hair is particularly long and easily gets matted.
What's the best way to manage this?
As they are naturally jumpy animals in wondering if it would be easier and quicker to use some sort of trimmer/clippers rather then scissors?
Would appreciate advice
Thank you!
We use scissors and a two person job, one of us holds and distracts with food while the other carefully trims. Always keep fingers in between pig and scissors so there is no chance of nicking them.
One of our piggies is fairly long haired, with summer hopefully around the corner I think it's important to get him trimmed up, and especially to keep his bum area neat where the hair is particularly long and easily gets matted.
What's the best way to manage this?
As they are naturally jumpy animals in wondering if it would be easier and quicker to use some sort of trimmer/clippers rather then scissors?
Would appreciate advice
Thank you!
Working up the courage to try myself! Have got 2 new rescue Peruvian piggies and we need to do haircut!
It's £16 at my vets to get MoMo and Noodles nails trimmed and give MoMo a little haircut. I also bathed MoMo the other day as her hair gets mucky. She loved it! I'm gonna get it all done at the vets and watch how she does it then have a go myself when she next needs it done :)
Have purchased some clippers from amazon but am going to wait until we have a warmer sunny day so at least he can go out in the sun to dry rather then prolong the stress with a hairdryer as well!
I also have just purchased some clippers ... it gets my heart racing every time I cut their hair, both mine are long haired and
I keep them with what I call a puppy cut ! but one handed with scissors is not easy ... but do able . so I thought the clippers
would be a quicker option and also like you say come summer ( cant wait ! ) when its hot they shorter they are the comfier
I'm sure they will both feel
my two although sisters have very different hair, one has a mass of really thick gorgeous black hair that grows at a silly rate thankfully
if you get her on one of her good days she isn't too bad to cut, but on her grumpy day its leave well alone, while the other
white one has very fine hair in comparison that's not too bad but keeping her fringe and bum short... a top and bottom cut !
ive never tried to wash either of mine though I'm sure there will come a point so dreading that one ... but keeping their bums
as short as they will allow keeps they clean and tidy
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