Grooming Nightmare

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 7, 2015
Reaction score
cumbria uk
I have a Swiss teddy boar ,who stinks most of time bless him ,despite his cage being clean , he is going for neuter next week.
I really struggle to groom him , he freaks out when I try to sort out his bum area , veggies don't distract him he tried to bite my leg tonight ,I am trying to cut off a couple of tats and trim his hair short, but it seems impossible.
Is it okay to wrap him in a towel ,it would have to be firmly as he is big and likely to lash out , I wish I could take him to a groomer as I don't like to stress him I would rather he be mad with someone else lol
Any tips , I find his hair harder than Peruvians to be honest it's very dense ,he is a strange guinea pig I think he was a breeding pig ,he has an old ear injury, he doesn't like other boars hence hopefully will be happier with a wife.

Hi ther, Sorry l dont know aythink about grooming other than get you pig feeling as relaxed as possibal , and try and make the grooming experance as pleasurable as possible, perhaps let her eat her fav veg !
I have a two Swiss and one always manages to get mats around her bum! She didn't use to like getting them cut out it either, but I found as long as I support her feet and keep her flat, she will tolerate getting her hair cut. It turns it into a two person job, one holding her and kind of balancing her back feet on the edge of their hands with her bum hanging over, and the other cutting out the mats. She's very vocal so will complain a bit, but she has got used to it. Be really gentle and make sure that you don't pull the hair with blunt scissors, we have some sharp hair scissors that we use.
Thanks , I will order that comb , I think I will get my husband to hold him in a towel and just do it as quick as I can ,he is bit scary when he gets upset .
I have quite a few long haired pigs and find the best way is just to trim them and keep it short-ish, especially round the bum area. I leave them to get longer over the winter time and finger groom them cutting off any knots/mats that won't losen easily, then in summer they get more of a trim all over so they don't get too hot. They don't look as fabulous but they are happy, healthy and not stressed so it works for us :).
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