Grooming Nd Trimmig A Peruvian Who Won't Stay Still!

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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 6, 2017
Reaction score
Oxfordshire, UK
Hello All!

I've been lurking on the forum for a while and have read many posts with interest - thank you!

I have two boars, nearly a year old (birthday 12th April!), who love each other to pieces Higgins is a short haired tricolour (American?), and Gibson, his brother from another mother) is a Ginger and white Peruvian.

Gibson loves having his nails done, Higgins hates it. Higgins loves having a brush, Gibson hates it.

Sadly, Gibson is now collecting a lot of pooey debris in his skirt and around his bottom. I've spent an hour for the last two evenings trying to trim him up, using various different scissors (it seems to be the noise he dislikes), and though I've managed to do some, there is still a long way to go. The trouble is, as soon as you get half way down his body (he's fine with his front end) he starts jumping, and kicking his leg out (it's hilarious to look at!), he'll even flip and do a 180 turn with a carrot hanging out of his mouth. Then he'll squeal as if it's the end of the world and run up onto my shoulder/back of my neck and start nibbling my hair! I'll then get a couple of shoulder nips saying he wants to go back home!

Do I just need to persevere? The cutting is definitely easy than the brushing, and I thought perhaps if his hair was shorter and I brushed daily then, he would get more used to it.
Is he likely to calm down, or will his 'ninjy-chopping' side kicks always be something I need to contend with?

Welcome to the forum. We had a kicker too :)) They key is to get the bum short and keep it short try not to touch his flanks as that is probably making him kick. I would advise someone holds and feeds then someone carefully trims put your fingers between the blade and the pig.

He is gorgeous by the way :love:

Hope you enjoy being an active part of the community hear, look forward to hearing more about your boys
A few months ago I posted a thread about my peruvian cross sow absolutely hating haircuts. Since then, we've made progress with a silent pet hair clipper, we clip a little bit on a weekly basis, basically all we can clip in 120 seconds and then we let her go, praising her lavishly and offering treats. It's small improvement, but at least she doesn't look like she's about to have a heart attack at the sight of scissors. With the scissors and the noisier hair clipper, she was absolutely terrified. My only regret is that I didn't go for the expensive professional clippers directly, but spent a fortune on less expensive and effectively useless scissors and clippers...
I have to give MoMo a weekly bath, the poo/wee was stuck on her hair and pulling so we bath her to stop any flies laying eggs or any nasty stuff :no: once we have done that we brushed with our hands then I used scissors while someone held her for me. Maybe it's pulling him near his bum xx

Jingle loathes having hair cuts. I just do a couple of snips each time I take her out for weighing. Mistletoe lets me chop her fur really short with minimal fuss.

Gibson is lovely.
:wel: and happy future birthday to the boys!

One of my girls is part Sheltie and has the long bum hair and skirt to match. Like you, I have to trim her bum hair to help keep her clean (pigs can be so gross sometimes). I found investing in some proper hair cutting scissors worked wonders. Guinea pigs have very sensitive skin and normal kitchen scissors aren't sharp enough. They tend to catch and pull the hair rather than cut it, which is what my girl hates the most. These are the ones I've got but any professional hair cutting scissors will work. Since using the new scissors my girl is much more tolerant of hair cuts.
Wow! Thank you all for your replies!
We had another go yesterday afternoon and with a little (large!) carrot for bribery, I got fewer side swipes but a lot of very disdainful sideways glances - his expressions are absolutely priceless!
He not has one leg that you can see and he is happy with , and one that is still covered with fur/poo/wee. I'm considering a bum bath this weekend and perhaps try that approach.
I will definitely invest in some proper hair scissors - he hates any kind of odd sensations, so I'm not sure he could handle pet clippers!
@Tiamolly123, perhaps yours could give Gibson some pointers!
I want him to look even more handsome (and much less smelly!) in time for their birthday!

Thanks all again - this site is priceless!

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What you need to do is about 4-5 hours before their birthday party is wash dry & style their hair. Then get one of these cake thingys with the solid plastic cake cover. Drill some holes in it, it might be a bit squashed in their, with 2 but they will come out immaculate.. Hat on job done.
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