Grooming Long Haired Piggies

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 20, 2016
Reaction score
West Yorkshire, UK
Hello everyone,

So my two girls are both long haired. I've had them both out for brushing but I'm finding that they just do not like it! Flick is the worst and doesn't even really like being stroked but neither of them like their bum being brushed (which is the most tangled bit!)
Obviously, I'm still in early days with them so they're probably still not used to me. So far I'm just brushing them lightly every time I get them out. I've tried giving them treats while they're being brushed but they don't want them.If I hold them while brushing their bums then they both make squeaking noises.

Help! Any tips would be so appreciated!
Do they have straight hair? What kind of brush are you using? I use a soft brush for my coronets hair- metal toothed combs can make it uncomforable for them to be brushed x
Thank you so much @PiggyOwner! I did a search of the forums but I couldn't find anything so comprehensive!

@Adelle, They're both straight haired Peruvians. I'm using a very small pin brush (like this: and gently brushing. I think I'm just going to have to give them a haircut though. I'm a dog groomer but I've never groomed something so small!
Thank you so much @PiggyOwner! I did a search of the forums but I couldn't find anything so comprehensive!

@Adelle, They're both straight haired Peruvians. I'm using a very small pin brush (like this: and gently brushing. I think I'm just going to have to give them a haircut though. I'm a dog groomer but I've never groomed something so small!

Try a soft bristled baby brush without the balls on the end of each bristle. I cut my girls hair too, the minute she wees on her hair its grooming day! Usually every 4 weeks. I'm not a dog groomer and i manage- so you'll be fine! Heres mallow pre/post cut- not perfext but keeps her clean and dry x


Thank you so much for the pictures! It really does help to know how short to cut their hair.

You'll need to tip her up with her back against your stomach to get underneath, as this is where the urine catches on to. You may need someone else to hold her whilst you tackle this bit. Just do the same as you do with the body length, pinch the hair between fingers and trim below them, although its easier to use a plastic comb underneath as you can cut it shorter without risk of catching any skin or nipples. Trim round the bum underneath and the hair that grows from the inside of the thigh as well as a general trim over the tummy and chest x
You'll need to tip her up with her back against your stomach to get underneath, as this is where the urine catches on to. You may need someone else to hold her whilst you tackle this bit. Just do the same as you do with the body length, pinch the hair between fingers and trim below them, although its easier to use a plastic comb underneath as you can cut it shorter without risk of catching any skin or nipples. Trim round the bum underneath and the hair that grows from the inside of the thigh as well as a general trim over the tummy and chest x

Thank you so so much! This is all so helpful <3
I'll post some pictures when I can rope my boyfriend into helping me :P
I have had sheltie crosses before and do use a small slicker brush and trim the fur where it is long enough to trail on the ground. No one particularly enjoyed being brushed, but the did get used to it pretty quickly. Right now Sundae is barbering Hadley for some reason, so I don't think I'll have to worry about trimming her hair for awhile, as she has a (noticeably uneven) pig-cut hairdo right now from her sister!
Hi @Natwee88 I have the same problem. My tamer piggie now allows me to brush her gently with a very soft brush. Don't think it would get any tangles but I think I would just cut them out. The other who is mainly white and is malting everywhere hates being handied and will not let me brush at all. Like you I will keep at it but by bit she may realise if it's quick it's not that bad! will see but I didn't want her associating brushing with lap time
:D I have a Sheltie girl, and she hates being brushed when her bum is sticky or tangled. I find that if I keep her bum hair too short to get wet or tangled, she doesn't mind being brushed nearly as much.
Thanks again for all the tips!
So me and my boyfriend managed to give them a fairly good trim. I'm hoping it will be enough for now as I don't want to completely freak them out.
They were both fairly good and putting them on their backs was easier than I thought. I think they're sulking now though xD
Just read one of your post and realised you're a dog groomer! So am I! Well a learner... Hopefully pass my dog grooming exam soon. I have one long haired piggy I do give her a trim every now and then using a thinner to give it more natural look. I have two different spacing metal teeth on one brush, she absolutely hates big spacing teeth brush but she's fine with small spacing teeth brush. It depends on your piggy and their tolerance of brushing.
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Try a soft bristled baby brush without the balls on the end of each bristle. I cut my girls hair too, the minute she wees on her hair its grooming day! Usually every 4 weeks. I'm not a dog groomer and i manage- so you'll be fine! Heres mallow pre/post cut- not perfext but keeps her clean and dry x

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@Adelle your piggie is gorgeous and so clean looking. I'm having a nightmare and need any tips anyone can give re cutting and brushing. .. they just hate it and won't come near me for days if I brush them or try. They I tried to cut my tamer one... just on top to start.. she jumped squeaked loud and ran. That was it 1 piece cut haha. So any advise would be great. They are still only 4mths old
Try a soft bristled baby brush without the balls on the end of each bristle. I cut my girls hair too, the minute she wees on her hair its grooming day! Usually every 4 weeks. I'm not a dog groomer and i manage- so you'll be fine! Heres mallow pre/post cut- not perfext but keeps her clean and dry x

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View attachment 48995
@Adelle your piggie is gorgeous and so clean looking. I'm having a nightmare and need any tips anyone can give re cutting and brushing. .. they just hate it and won't come near me for days if I brush them or try. They I tried to cut my tamer one... just on top to start.. she jumped squeaked loud and ran. That was it 1 piece cut haha. So any advise would be great. THi
Thank you so much @PiggyOwner! I did a search of the forums but I couldn't find anything so comprehensive!

@Adelle, They're both straight haired Peruvians. I'm using a very small pin brush (like this: and gently brushing. I think I'm just going to have to give them a haircut though. I'm a dog groomer but I've never groomed something so small!
@Natwee88 being a groomer... would you think there would be anyone I could take my piggies to for cuts? I'm the only one who handles our piggies except my 6yr old so wouldn't expect her to hold them while I cut and as stated I tried myself with the tamer one n she fled quick. I tried to be so careful very slightly lifting a piece of hair but soon as the scissors cut that was it she was off. I didn't pull up the hair or anything.
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