Grooming Baby

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New Born Pup
Jun 7, 2015
Reaction score
Brighton, England
Hi everyone, as you may have seen from some of my other posts I have recently introduced a baby boar to a pair of boars to make a trio and have been observing their behaviour closely. It's been over two weeks since I introduced them and today I saw some more interesting behaviour. My submissive older boar was grooming the baby... The baby came over to him and the older boar began to groom himself, the young boar laid down beside him and the older began to groom the younger for a good 5 minutes, the baby didn't move and just laid there, they then stopped and started to groom themselves and then rested besides each other... Was wondering if anyone could give me an indication of whether this is positive progress in the bonding procedure :D
Sounds good to me. I believe it's somethig to do with being accepted isn't it? I could be totally wrong just thought I'd read it somewhere
Sounds wonderful. In my experience the 1 month old baby boy I introduced to my 7 month old boar did result in baby following the older boy everywhere & doing everything he did. My young lad did have quite a set of health issues that made the older boar start to be protective. However, I would be careful to see how baby gets on when he hits his stroppy teenage months.
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