Grooming and Dry Skin


New Born Pup
Jul 14, 2024
Reaction score
Hey all! First post on here… recently became owner of two male Skinny Pig brothers!

Had them about 6 months and all is well!

One of the pigs has developed dry skin/bump on the neck area. Doesn’t seem to bother him. His brother every now and then looks like he’s cleaning it or grooming him in that area. We are concerned that he’s actually biting it/having a go at it etc and making it worse and we aren’t sure! The pig with the dry skin seems comfortable with it and doesn’t react really , no squeeking or anything. Is this normal? Any advice? Any behaviours to look out for? We do use coconut oil every now and then for them as we’ve seen is recommended.

The brothers do bicker often but never at the point where they are having a proper go at each other and never at the point where we have to step in.

Cheers for any advice!


We would recommend you see a vet for a diagnosis and don’t routinely use coconut oil. Skinny pigs don’t need any regular oiling and in fact doing so can cause issues with their normal skin barrier

We would recommend you see a vet for a diagnosis and don’t routinely use coconut oil. Skinny pigs don’t need any regular oiling and in fact doing so can cause issues with their normal skin barrier
Thank you! We’ve had them for over 7 months and think we’ve used coconut oil around twice for them.

Thank you for the advice - will keep a close eye on them and look for a vets opinion.

Thanks ☺️
Welcome to the forum, I'm afraid I have no advice or experience with skinny pigs.
Personally, any concerns with my boys and I take them to the vet.