Grieving piggie, how to help?

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I lost my 17 month old Mabel recently :(
I got her and Honey, her sister, from the same litter at 15 weeks old. They lived just together and completely adored eachother, sharing food, drinks, and playing a ton. But now, Honey has to be hand fed. She will drink herself, but during free range just wants cuddled. She's in a nero4 cage, downsizing. Any advice is great.
I really think piggies can grieve when they lose a cagemate. My Poppet stopped eating when her sister died, and it's taken almost a year to get her back to eating on her own.

Are you going to get her a new little friend, or do you have other piggies she could move in with? I would keep a close eye on her.
I really think piggies can grieve when they lose a cagemate. My Poppet stopped eating when her sister died, and it's taken almost a year to get her back to eating on her own.

Are you going to get her a new little friend, or do you have other piggies she could move in with? I would keep a close eye on her.

I know that they can :( It's so sad for them.

I tried introducing a 7 week old, then pair of 8 week olds, a 2 year old, and she hated all of them. The 7 week old worked for 2 hours but then it really upset her. I'm at a loss of what to do!
Some take it harder than others... Give her lots of cuddles!
I am sorry, because it must be a worrying time for you!
it is so sad when you lose one of your best friends. My previous 2 piggies, got on like a house on fire, no problem pairing them.
Then 4 years later Angel passed away, Willow was so sad that she passed away about 2 months later 8...
They are such sensitive little creatures, so long as she has lots and lots of cuddles and love from her mummy I am sure she will recover. My best wishes for the both of you :)p
She won't eat her hay or dry mix just cucumber and lettuce and broccoli, so not all of her fresh foods either. My poor thing. :(
It's heartbreaking to see them so sad. Keep giving her all the bits she likes to eat. Has she got other piggies she can see in a cage next to hers? This reminds me so much of how Poppet was when Toffee died, and she still her other sister with her. I think piggies seem to grieve more for a lost friend than most other animals do.
At least she still loves her cuddles and some treats - some piggies withdraw completely, and that is very hard to deal with for us.
This is just a suggestion but because guinea pigs are basically sociable animals then sometimes simply being more involved in the household can help, even though we're not guinea pigs. I don't know where the cage is now, but if it's in a room out of the way then consider bringing it into the kitchen/sittingroom/hallway - basically somewhere fairly busy where anyone going by can say hello. This counts as extra attention and can help. Also a supply of tiny treats - a sliver of pepper or a tiny bit of lettuce leaf - given when anyone goes by and stops to say 'hello' can be good and help your piggie to feel involved socially.
Blaze was seperated from his brother and in with two other boars when his brother Spice died, but they could talk to each other. I gave Blaze extra cuddles and in time he came around.
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