I sadly had to have one of my two girls, Ginger, PTS on Monday night. My other piggie Baby seemed ok to begin with, but just isn't herself now. I don't think she's eating properly, and she's just lying around in her bed most of the time. I don't think she's ill, just missing her friend.
I'll be keeping an eye on her weight, and have some Critical Care if things get bad, but wondered if anyone had any other advice?
Should I get another to keep her company? She's quite dominant, and I had trouble bonding her with Ginger to begin with, and again when they had to be separated due to a surgery. Would she be likely to get on with another pig now? She's nearly four and a half. Or does anyone know of any rescues in Norfolk that will do piggie dating?
I'll be keeping an eye on her weight, and have some Critical Care if things get bad, but wondered if anyone had any other advice?
Should I get another to keep her company? She's quite dominant, and I had trouble bonding her with Ginger to begin with, and again when they had to be separated due to a surgery. Would she be likely to get on with another pig now? She's nearly four and a half. Or does anyone know of any rescues in Norfolk that will do piggie dating?