Grids and cable ties


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Nov 26, 2016
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Apologies in advance on the typing front, I hate typing long messages on my phone but the PC is out of use for a while longer -

Any time I've used grids I've used those connectors but this time it's a no. I still haven't forgotten the busted finger from last year but also the grids will only fit 5 across in the current space without the connectors. I could go smaller but the decision's made lol.

So I'm waiting on more cable ties but if I'm just cabling most of the grids together do I need to do anything else? I'm using two of the connectors in the corners, 8 total, but I'm not sure if I should be doing anything else.


I have no idea if the image helps but have it anyway?
I just cable tie mine like that, the only problem I've come across is that the grids move and bow outwards if the piggies push them. When I'm away from home and I'm just using them as temporary cages I put something heavy against the grids to stop them moving, (heavy books, bricks, furniture). At home I have cable tied extra grids across the bottom to make a floor which makes everything stable but I use corex cut and folded into the box shape inside the grids, don't think this would work with tarpaulin for little feet to be comfortable to walk on. I'd try it as it is and see how you get on.
I'm thinking of doing the tarp like I did last time - cable tied on 2 or 3 sides so it creates a mini wall outside the cage and it catches any loose detritus getting kicked out, and then cutting it longer on the final side to create something like a tray. It deals with the excess tarp better.

As tarp goes it's actually quite soft. Which is weird. It's not that scratchy sort of stuff I remember from childhood that almost felt like twine lol.
If its cable tied to the grids that would probably be enough to keep them stable. Thinking about it I did used to cable tie the corex to the grids in a few places in the days before I put floors in the cages. The floors are brilliant for us as we can pick the cages up still full of everything (except the piggies!) and lift them out of the way to clean behind occasionally.
Yeah, hopefully the reinforcement from the connectors at the corners helps too. My biggest struggle will possibly be the radiator, with just the ties on the grids it can be manoeuvred round but it'll still be a bit of a squeeze.

I suppose I should get back to it lol.