Greeted With A Wheek And A Popcorn!

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Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 13, 2015
Reaction score
So today is day five with Posey and Myrtle. I've been sat with them talking, singing and generally watching 'piggy tv' as often as possible and this morning was the first time I've seen both piggies popcorning! I haven't handled them yet as they've gone from being outdoors to indoors and just wanted to make sure they were settled first. My heart melted when they greeted me with big wheeks and crazy popcorning today :love: I'm going to wait until later on today, but I'm planning on scooping them up in their cozy pocket thingy to weigh them, followed by a quick snuggle and a herby treat. Does this sound like a good plan? Didn't want to rush things but def want to get handling them as soon as they're ready.
Sounds good! :) It's nice to have happy pigs greet you in the morning. Mine do that too (because they know I will be topping up the hay!)
Our family also have piggy TV...never thought we would have two babies living in our front room...on my lovely table now lives a GP cage hahaha...
We have only had ours 5 weeks ish and I can't open the fridge, rustle a bag or chop veg now without them both coming out and shouting at me obvious " feed me now wheek " absolute fascinating little fellas.....
I'm sure you are going to be an amazing owner. They already seem ecstatic. Hand-feeding guinea pigs is a great way to get them to love you more and associate you and the sounds you make with happiness/a full stomach. It's also good to snuggle with them so they can also get used to your scent. Anything about them learning your scent is a good thing, as naturally cavies are incredibly skittish but they can learn to trust you. Good luck with your guinea pigs, your plan seems perfect.
I'm sure you are going to be an amazing owner. They already seem ecstatic. Hand-feeding guinea pigs is a great way to get them to love you more and associate you and the sounds you make with happiness/a full stomach. It's also good to snuggle with them so they can also get used to your scent. Anything about them learning your scent is a good thing, as naturally cavies are incredibly skittish but they can learn to trust you. Good luck with your guinea pigs, your plan seems perfect.
Ah thanks! They just make me feel so happy. I love how their personalities are starting to show now. Will try a bit more of the hand feeding, thanks for that tip!
That's great news! Sounds like they are ready for that.
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