Green Slug?

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Aug 9, 2006
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North Yorkshire
Bought some logs the other day, had emptied the first bag, went to touch the second - when I noticed something green.

Ewwwwwwwww thank god I noticed it before I touched it! I dont really like slugs :embarassed: so I had my boyfriend remove it.
Slugs in the sitting room! Almost made me scream. Besides, the was FAST, by the time we had gone for a jar to put him in, he had crawled 15!cm to get back between the logs, I was freaking out when we came back into the room and the slug was gone! :o

Anyway, never seen a green one before, light green with a dark green pattern... really bizarre. Only ever saw brown ones before, anyone got an idea of what this slug could be called, is it exotic or is it native british? Weird thing.


OMG don't let Lucinda see this she totally does not like them >:( >:( >:( >:(
Ewwwwwwwwww your slugs are yukky looking i've not seen one like that before here in OZ <shiver>
we have them lurking about here too,i think theyre called tiger slugs or something gross :-\

if theres one thing i cant stand its them
maybe it had gone off ;D,m slugs are the most horrendous things around apart from hedghog food why are they here, I have to plug the pigs door lock or the squeeze in Mick cousin laura is majorly freaked out by them she crosses the road rather then step over one and feints if she has one near her,
In gardening there is a saying 'Big & black put it back - nasty & brown let it drown'! The big black ones don't eat plants too much - they munch on decaying undergrowth, the brown/green ones are the that eat your prize Hostas >:(
I think I'm gonna cry now.

We thought he was dead. Was pretty much lifeless in the jar. Well, I should have thrown that jar out straight away, cause it turns out slugman was still alive - and has now escaped!

There was a five pence hole EATEN into the top of the paper lid, and a trail of slime goes across it and down the side of the jar - and then the trail is gone. I HAVE A SLUG IN MY KITCHEN AND I DONT KNOW WHERE IT IS :tickedoff: :o

I am afraid to touch anything. I shook my handtowel out before I used it now because you never know.

There is a fruitbowl on the kitchen worktop and I am afraid to touch it and check. Same goes for our plants on the windowsill.

OH GOD I'm scared.
Ugh, hope you find the soon..well, I hope you don't find it, but I hope it's out of your house soon! I've never seen a green slug before..ew. :(
Maybe it's from 'outta space' :o :o :o :o :o :o

We have the same prob that some of our 'bugs' all of a sudden evolve into revolting things.....ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww totally gross blech

I do so hope you don't have any more probs with those things again :) :)
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