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Green inside nostrils


Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 1, 2021
Reaction score
Hi all, yesterday Simba was doing lots of little sneezes in quick succession and had some green in one nostril. I assumed he’d breathed in hay- he has always been a bit sneezy. He is eating as normal etc. This evening being the paranoid pig mum I am I can see that inside his nostrils although clear there is some dark green - hay coloured. They’re not blocked. I am talking quite a way up , no discharge etc- am I overthinking or would you get him checked? I tried and failed to get a picture.

Thank you!
Hi all, yesterday Simba was doing lots of little sneezes in quick succession and had some green in one nostril. I assumed he’d breathed in hay- he has always been a bit sneezy. He is eating as normal etc. This evening being the paranoid pig mum I am I can see that inside his nostrils although clear there is some dark green - hay coloured. They’re not blocked. I am talking quite a way up , no discharge etc- am I overthinking or would you get him checked? I tried and failed to get a picture.

Thank you!


If whatever is likely stuck in the nose and cannot be sneezed out, a vet or a nurse may be able to help you as the job will ideally require more than two hands.

If whatever is likely stuck in the nose and cannot be sneezed out, a vet or a nurse may be able to help you as the job will ideally require more than two hands.
Do you think it could be hay in both nostrils though? I’m terrified I’ve left it too late if it’s a URI as he sneezed on Sunday morning and tomorrow will be Tuesday. Can he die from a URI? X