Green beans


Teenage Guinea Pig
Sep 20, 2021
Reaction score
Hi! I bought some green beans and wanted to know if i could feed my guinea pigs it. Ive never given any of my guinea pigs it before so I'm not sure how to feed it. Should i give the inside and the outside?
Mine get them once or twice a week. They go down well with most piggies.
Mine get 2 a day. They use to get 1 day but then I ended up binning too many. Nova and Luna love them!
I gave them 2 each also! Though, i wanted to give more becouse they were begging me!
I feed green beans every day, they are pretty economical. I can get big bags of fresh ones at the grocery store by my place. The whole colony enjoys them! So 22/22 pigs approve lol.
I dont uasully buy green beans but i think i will more often now since i know my piggys can eat it. And wow thats a ton of guinea pigs!
I dont uasully buy green beans but i think i will more often now since i know my piggys can eat it. And wow thats a ton of guinea pigs!
Haha yeah! I think I might be in like, third place here on the forum for most guinea pigs now? I know someone here has 27.

A friend just sent me the info for another guinea pig too, a single male in urgent need of a home. If they respond, I'd like to neuter him and introduce him to some of my girls.

I've decided my max is 24, I've got enclosure room for just a couple more and then the inn is full. Most of the small animal rescues in my area have shut down or are completely full so I'm adopting as many as I can handle...
Haha yeah! I think I might be in like, third place here on the forum for most guinea pigs now? I know someone here has 27.

A friend just sent me the info for another guinea pig too, a single male in urgent need of a home. If they respond, I'd like to neuter him and introduce him to some of my girls.

I've decided my max is 24, I've got enclosure room for just a couple more and then the inn is full. Most of the small animal rescues in my area have shut down or are completely full so I'm adopting as many as I can handle...
Wow thats so amazing! Its so awesome that your able to help that many guinea pigs! I hope to adopt more piggys sometime in the future but I'm pretty sure 5 would be the max i could handle. Thats great that your able to take care of so many:) i hope that the new guinea pig gets along well with your girls!
Micah likes green beans better than cucumber.
There’s nothing he doesn’t like but green beans seem to be the best food ever.