Greedy Piggie


Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 21, 2017
Reaction score
Hi, I'm starting to get worried about my older guinea pig, Jasmine. Jasmine is a couple of months older then Honey, but you wouldn't know it! Jasmine us about half the size and has half the confidence. Recently, Honey has been blatantly pushing Jasmine away from the food bowl, even going as far as taking food from Jasmine's little corner. Since I got them, Honey has always been the greedier one, but now it's getting more serious. Honey is gaining weight, while Jasmine is losing it. I've tried putting the wet food and the dry food in different places, but that doesn't seem to work. Thanks for any advice.
Hey, someone else may be able to offer better advice. But i Had something similar with scooby and shaggy. So at laptime we hand fed shaggy lots, also maybe let Honey have floor time and leave jasmine in her enclosure so she has time to eat alone. Jasmine is probably the dominant one.
Does jasmine not let honey eat or drink at all? Does jasmine leave honey to sleep or does she chase her around constantly not giving her a minutes rest?
Thanks, Scooby&Shaggy. I'll try out your suggestion.
I agree with above suggestions, you definitely need at least 2 of everything spaced at least 1 piggy length apart.

I tend to scatter feed any veggies to give everyone a fair chance to eat a bit of everything, you could try that.

Also it would be an idea to weigh your piggies more regularly to monitor their weights. If Jasmine is losing quite a lot it would be worth a vets visit to make sure there's no underlining problem.

Hope it settles down soon! :)