If it was big enough, You may have to adjust the ramp, to make it piggy suitable... but as long as everywhere has soliid floors, i dont see why not. However alternative arangements may need to be made for winter, as if they were in a hutch it would need to be weather proofed and that would be tricky with a chicken coop
Like Connie said, just be careful with the ramp - you would probably need to adjust it for your pigs. As long as you can make it weather proof and either shut the run area off when you are not there, or fox proof around the run - it should be fine. The only reason I say that is because foxes can easily dig underneath a run and obviously, you cannot put a wire mesh bottom, as that would hurt the piggies feet. I suppose you could put mesh around the outside (probably a little less than a foot wide around the outside), that might possibly stop the fox from digging. Or you could just shut off the run when you are not there (I think this is much safer) - as foxes attack at day as well. Thinking again, you wouldn't want your piggies out on the lawn in the middle of the night, but I'm just wondering about daytime, when you are not in to supervise them...
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