Got questions about piggy

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Jan 16, 2010
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Hi I'm so sorry if this is the wrong place to put questions but i am really new. Anyway, i have two four month old boys called crackle and pop. Recently they have been fighting so we are going to separate them very soon. I was wondering seen as one of them is hurting the other should i get the one with all the scratches a new friend and the crabby one to stay alone( even though they are only separated by mesh).
What kind of cage / hutch are they in at the moment? How big is it?

Have they fought and drawn blood?
What kind of cage / hutch are they in at the moment? How big is it?

Have they fought and drawn blood?

I am not sure how big the hutch is but they have been fighting and one has quite a few scratches.
You may want to know seeing as it has been snowing we still have the hutch in our conservatory.(when it gets warmer in spring they will go outside)
Boys need a lot of room especially when they are coming into the hormonal stage which it sounds as if Crackle and Pop are, if blood has been drawn seperate them. I'm sure someone with more experience will be along soon with more help but is there anyway you can make their living area bigger?
I should have also mentioned that they should have 2 of everything hideys food bowls water bottles etc . Have you seen the C&C cages?
well ill try and ask my mum. Well i would say theyve drawn blood because weve had a noise bleed. In my opinion(not my mothers) the scratches are making pop un comfortable and we are arranged to go meet someone so they can show us how to separate the hutch by mesh. thanks for the advice we will try and find a way to make it bigger.
How do they act with each other do they fly at each other making a lot of noise?

There area quite a few people on here that have a lot of experience with boars so don't despair. And I wouldn't go thinking of getting a chum for either at the mo as it might end up with the same result and you have 3 single boars. I see you are in Warrington a memeber is a fosterer for a rescue and lives up that way I believe she may be able to help you out. I'll wrack my brains for her user name and let you know.
i was also wondering if maybe we would be able to turn the run underneath into another living area

Yes they do make ALOT of noise when fighting
Boys have a hormonal phase that is most active between 4-6 months and goes on until 12 months old, but fall-outs can happen at any time. Guinea pigs live in groups, so each group has always a top piggy and a bottom piggy and dominance (who's top and who's bottom) need to be sorted out at the beginning.

A key factor in the success of a boy bond is space - LOTS of it! The MINIMUM recommendation by the RSPCA for 2 guinea pigs is 2x4 ft, preferably more - especially with hormonal boars! They also profit from having everything in twos - hides, bowls etc.

If blood has been drawn in a fight, guinea pigs need to be separated.

If you want to get more guinea pigs or sort out the situation with two, depending on how much space you can give your guinea pigs, I recommend you contact your local rescue and work out a solution with them; you will get expert advice and support on top of guaranteed healthy and properly sexed animals. You will need to able to provide adequate space for your guinea pigs, though! Many rescues have baby boars from sows that have come into rescues already pregnant.
Here is a list of rescues:

I the same sort of problem with two of my females when I rescued two new ones. The two dominant ones were arguing. I extended the amount of space they had and provided some more hidey holes and eating areas and slowly they came round to being all friends.

It does sound like your cage is a bit small for 2 male piggies, especially as they will be getting bigger. Don't get rid of it as it will be usefull as a hospital hutch in the future, you just need something bigger, as big and as fun as possible.

I don't have any but C&C cages are very good as you can tailor make them to fit the space you have and they can be changed to suit your piggies changing needs.

I hope they calm down and start to get on like a house on fire as all piggies should have a companion.

Hope that helps.
thank you so much hoppefully then we wont have to separate them. Please would anyone able to direct me to those C&C cages?
Have a look in the for sale/wanted section on the forum there is a member selling everything you need to construct one of various sizes or if you know someone who is a member of a local Costco the packs of grids there are very cheap then all you have to do is get the correx for the bottom various other places do sell them to.

Have a look at this site to it gives you some great idea's for c&C cages.

If you need anymore advice then just ask hun.
If you did separate the hutch with mesh it would be too small wouldn't it ? You said it was 2 by 3 foot and if that was halfed ... ?
Well everytyhing is sorted now i met up with a lady who has loads of pigglies and she showed us how to separate the cage so everything will be ok

Oh i do love happy endings!:)):):)
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