Goodbye Sweet Pinky, Now I have one lonely bereaving Guinea


New Born Pup
Oct 8, 2023
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United States
Hello everyone. I joined this forum earlier this year, after I spent 3 beautiful years with my boys. I have two skinnies, one Pinky and one Nasim.

They both were diagnosed with ringworm back in October, and while it took them a while to recover, Nasim made a full recovery, Pinky tested neg. As well, but Pinky began to develop more sever health concerns afterwards, and it escalated quickly. I had to put my sweet baby Pinky down yesterday.

It was the first time doing this and I am heartbroken. Coming home and looking at Nasim alone in his cage breaks my heart ontop of everything else. They’ve been cage mates for 3.5 years havent spent a single night apart. Nas has been kept separate from pinky for for 3-4 days since he was so sick before he passed yesterday.

My friends, I really need your help. Ontop of grieving, I’m worried about my little guy Nas. He doesn’t really seek companionship in me, but I know he needs someone to snuggle with and eat next to and annoy hah.

What should I do? I’m a first time Guinea owner, and I’m doing this myself. I just feel so guilty I can’t spend every night and day with him. Breaks my heart.

Thank you all, I find this forum very supportive.

Also, I’m in the US. I was going to look into someone to take care of him with other guineas, who already dedicates their time to their pets, or look into fostering until he passes? But I fear there are no fostering opportunities around here.

What is some advice when looking for someone to take your guineas?

Thank you all so much


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I’m so sorry for you loss, such gorgeous pigs❤️ make sure you take care of yourself in this difficult time. Have you had a look at the bereavement guides for guinea pigs and owners? I’m not sure how to link them but I’m sure somebody will. They have lots of useful information. I’m in a similar position at the moment, having just lost one of my pigs leaving Winston by himself. Please don’t feel guilty although they love the company Nas will be okay while you’re finding a solution, try and spend time with him and talk to him but don’t worry that you can’t be there all the time.
Have you looked to see if any rescues local to you offer fostering options, maybe you can get in contact with them?
I’m so sorry for you loss, such gorgeous pigs❤️ make sure you take care of yourself in this difficult time. Have you had a look at the bereavement guides for guinea pigs and owners? I’m not sure how to link them but I’m sure somebody will. They have lots of useful information. I’m in a similar position at the moment, having just lost one of my pigs leaving Winston by himself. Please don’t feel guilty although they love the company Nas will be okay while you’re finding a solution, try and spend time with him and talk to him but don’t worry that you can’t be there all the time.
Have you looked to see if any rescues local to you offer fostering options, maybe you can get in contact with them?
thank you much for your kind words. I'm so sorry you lost one of yours, sending a big hug.
I have called every facility around and sadly none do fostering, I would have to adopt a new friend. I don't want to do that.
Nas doesn't really find companionship in me, does Winston to you? Can I ask what you're thinking for Winston?

Thank you 😊 that’s a shame none of them offer fostering, what is the reason you don’t want to adopt a new friend for Nas?
Winston’s a piggy full of personality I’ve only had him a few months as I got him as a companion for my older boar Smokey (who we just lost) but he just loves company, doesn’t matter who it is he’s so chatty and always very busy so I knew he wouldn’t be very good by himself and actually contacted a rescue the day we lost Smokey, and I’m picking up Winston’s new girlfriends on Saturday. Smokey was ill for a couple of weeks so I already had a plan for Winston in the back of my mind and actually adopted him specifically because he was neutered and I knew I wanted some girlfriends for him in the future.
Thank you 😊 that’s a shame none of them offer fostering, what is the reason you don’t want to adopt a new friend for Nas?
Winston’s a piggy full of personality I’ve only had him a few months as I got him as a companion for my older boar Smokey (who we just lost) but he just loves company, doesn’t matter who it is he’s so chatty and always very busy so I knew he wouldn’t be very good by himself and actually contacted a rescue the day we lost Smokey, and I’m picking up Winston’s new girlfriends on Saturday. Smokey was ill for a couple of weeks so I already had a plan for Winston in the back of my mind and actually adopted him specifically because he was neutered and I knew I wanted some girlfriends for him in the future.
oh my! I love that for Winston! lol That's so sweet you were thinking of him.

I was thinking of Nas while Pinky was sick, but everything happened so quickly in a matter of days, all of a sudden it was Pinky's time. I cannot afford to sustain another guinea, financially, emotionally, physically. I'm not able to give them the best care. I can give them plenty of food and shelter, but I don't have space for much else, and I want him to be with other piggies.

My choices are putting him on the waitlist at the local human society (but its not guaranteed he'll be placed with other piggies while waiting to be adopted. OR was thinking of getting him neutered, and he can live with some lovely lady pigs at my friends house. But I'm not sure if that would work out, I dont want to make any quick decisions, but little Nas has been eating less and sleeping more. I feel bad for him, even though I know it's normal, I just fear it will become fatal.

Clearly you are so experienced, I'm learning so much already!
You clearly love Nas a lot and are showing you’re a good owner by recognising you wouldn’t be able to give the best care to another guinea pig.
If you do choose to get Nas neutered you must be aware he will have to wait 6 weeks post neuter before he can be bonded with the girls, he could be side by side though as long as he can’t get to them. If the rescue has another single male they might try to bond Nas with that piggy and then they’d be adopted together, however if they didn’t and it was just girls or groups he would probably be housed next to them while waiting to be adopted meaning he could have through the bars interaction this is something you can check with them.
I’ve linked the guide for looking after a bereaved guinea pig please have a read if you haven’t already, and also a link to a page that lists reputable guinea pig rescues in the US have a look if there are any close to you.

Guinea Lynx Rescues
Looking after a bereaved guinea pig
I’m so sorry you have lost Pinky. Popcorn high over the bridge.

I hope you can find a forever home for Nas. You are such a caring owner as you are making this difficult decision with his needs at the heart of it. Good luck.
So sorry that you lost Pinky.
Be gentle with yourself as you grieve.
Your concern for Nas shows what a lovely and caring owner you are.
I hope you find a solution soon
I am very sorry that you have lost Pinky 😞

I am in the same situation as you and Nas with my Esme who is currently alone after we lost Elizabeth on Christmas Eve 😞

I made the decision when Edward passed away in 2022 that his 3 widows would be my last piggies. Sadly, after 16 years of piggy ownership, that time has come much sooner than I anticipated after losing Ella in October 2023 and then Elizabeth 9 weeks later 😞

It’s breaking my heart but I have a lovely new home lined up for Esme where she can have piggy company again as she’s really not happy by herself

I am wishing you and Nas all the best and whatever decision you make for his future going forward will be the right one whether you can foster a friend for him or whether you find him a new home (((hugs))) x
You clearly love Nas a lot and are showing you’re a good owner by recognising you wouldn’t be able to give the best care to another guinea pig.
If you do choose to get Nas neutered you must be aware he will have to wait 6 weeks post neuter before he can be bonded with the girls, he could be side by side though as long as he can’t get to them. If the rescue has another single male they might try to bond Nas with that piggy and then they’d be adopted together, however if they didn’t and it was just girls or groups he would probably be housed next to them while waiting to be adopted meaning he could have through the bars interaction this is something you can check with them.
I’ve linked the guide for looking after a bereaved guinea pig please have a read if you haven’t already, and also a link to a page that lists reputable guinea pig rescues in the US have a look if there are any close to you.

Guinea Lynx Rescues
Looking after a bereaved guinea pig
Wow, I'm so grateful you said something! I did not know that, or think to look that up. Thank you ou for those resources, I have been reading the bereaved guinea article religiously. I wish I could find a community as dedicated and caring as this one. I guess I have trust issues and wish I could control who he goes to. 🥺

The 2 shelters near me said if he comes in alone, they would keep him alone for those looking for a non bonded piggy to bond with theirs, or for those who just want a single guinea. I get that. But it makes me sad to think there is a chance I would be giving him away because he's lonely only for him to end up alone again.

Thanks again for the help <3
I am very sorry that you have lost Pinky 😞

I am in the same situation as you and Nas with my Esme who is currently alone after we lost Elizabeth on Christmas Eve 😞

I made the decision when Edward passed away in 2022 that his 3 widows would be my last piggies. Sadly, after 16 years of piggy ownership, that time has come much sooner than I anticipated after losing Ella in October 2023 and then Elizabeth 9 weeks later 😞

It’s breaking my heart but I have a lovely new home lined up for Esme where she can have piggy company again as she’s really not happy by herself

I am wishing you and Nas all the best and whatever decision you make for his future going forward will be the right one whether you can foster a friend for him or whether you find him a new home (((hugs))) x
I'm so sorry for your losses Claire, that breaks my heart for you and Esme, but I'm so happy to here you found her a lovely new home, that you approve of and trust! I'm sure that feels assuring <3 With how quickly I learned things can change, it reminds me to appreciate every moment we have with the little ones. 🫶
I'm so sorry for your losses Claire, that breaks my heart for you and Esme, but I'm so happy to here you found her a lovely new home, that you approve of and trust! I'm sure that feels assuring <3 With how quickly I learned things can change, it reminds me to appreciate every moment we have with the little ones. 🫶
Thank you. I’m heartbroken to be honest at losing Ella and Elizabeth and now rehoming Esme 😞 but I know deep down it’s the right thing to do for her happiness, it’s breaking my heart seeing her so lonely 😞 and you’re so right that things can change very quickly so we need to cherish them while they are here x
I learned that Nas's potential re-home with the little ladies is also accompanied by a dog and 2 cats. The owner doesn't have much money if anything happens to one, let alone the other 4 piggies she owns. The whole situation makes me nervous. My gut says no.

UPDATE: Nas has been eating well, and eating more hay each day. His weight hasn't fluctuated so much. and I've gotten on a routine where I hold him in the morning while feeding veggies, I give him the option to a nap up against my arm for skin to skin so It's familiar to pinky being there with him lol. He is so cute.

This is giving me hope. I still don't want him to be alone for the rest of his life, but maybe this is showing me I have more time to decide.

The 6-week wait period post-neuter is not as quick of a solution as I thought it would be! I don't want to rush him into a poorer living situation just so he's not lonely. and I don't want to neuter him if he's not going to live with girl piggies. and I don't want to rush him into a shelter.

Am I trying to eat my cake and have it too? 😬

Is there a way I can add Pinky to my little banner or signature thing?
Thank you. I’m heartbroken to be honest at losing Ella and Elizabeth and now rehoming Esme 😞 but I know deep down it’s the right thing to do for her happiness, it’s breaking my heart seeing her so lonely 😞 and you’re so right that things can change very quickly so we need to cherish them while they are here x
I understand completely, I know it's hard. I'm thinking of you during this tough time and I'm sending you big hugs. you care so much, and you're doing the right thing 🫶
I learned that Nas's potential re-home with the little ladies is also accompanied by a dog and 2 cats. The owner doesn't have much money if anything happens to one, let alone the other 4 piggies she owns. The whole situation makes me nervous. My gut says no.

UPDATE: Nas has been eating well, and eating more hay each day. His weight hasn't fluctuated so much. and I've gotten on a routine where I hold him in the morning while feeding veggies, I give him the option to a nap up against my arm for skin to skin so It's familiar to pinky being there with him lol. He is so cute.

This is giving me hope. I still don't want him to be alone for the rest of his life, but maybe this is showing me I have more time to decide.

The 6-week wait period post-neuter is not as quick of a solution as I thought it would be! I don't want to rush him into a poorer living situation just so he's not lonely. and I don't want to neuter him if he's not going to live with girl piggies. and I don't want to rush him into a shelter.

Am I trying to eat my cake and have it too? 😬

Is there a way I can add Pinky to my little banner or signature thing?
I definitely think while Nas is eating well and not losing weight you don’t need to rush, it’s a big decision to make and you clearly love him and want the best for him! It’s a shame the rescues wouldn’t bond him if they had another single male as that would be ideal. Sending you lots of hugs :hug:
I learned that Nas's potential re-home with the little ladies is also accompanied by a dog and 2 cats. The owner doesn't have much money if anything happens to one, let alone the other 4 piggies she owns. The whole situation makes me nervous. My gut says no.

UPDATE: Nas has been eating well, and eating more hay each day. His weight hasn't fluctuated so much. and I've gotten on a routine where I hold him in the morning while feeding veggies, I give him the option to a nap up against my arm for skin to skin so It's familiar to pinky being there with him lol. He is so cute.

This is giving me hope. I still don't want him to be alone for the rest of his life, but maybe this is showing me I have more time to decide.

The 6-week wait period post-neuter is not as quick of a solution as I thought it would be! I don't want to rush him into a poorer living situation just so he's not lonely. and I don't want to neuter him if he's not going to live with girl piggies. and I don't want to rush him into a shelter.

Am I trying to eat my cake and have it too? 😬

Is there a way I can add Pinky to my little banner or signature thing?

I’m so sorry for your loss.

The potential rehome doesn’t sound ideal. Having a cats and dogs aren’t strictly necessarily a reason not to rehome him to the lady (plenty of people do keep cats and dogs and piggies with all the safety measures in place) but if it is going to send him to a difficult financial situation as well then that isn’t good for him either.

It won’t be ideal for him to be alone long term but you also don’t have to make decisions right now - you do have some time to think things through provided he is otherwise ok.

I’m afraid you won’t be able to have a signature. It’s only something available to staff, and I think forum donators and those who have a high enough post count.
So sorry you lost Pinky x

Go with your gut, it sounds like this lady has good intentions but little money , dogs and cats?
Hello everyone, Unfortunately I had to say goodbye to my baby Nasim early this morning. He stopped eating, wouldn't even touch his favorite veggies. He wouldn't chew or swallow his critical care. He felt limp, and laid down with his head nearly in the water bowl. Before all that, When I did our nightly cuddling, while on my lap he would wiggle his head up near my neck and would lay his head on me for me to pet him, and be close with him, little snuggle bug. (he actually never did this before) I knew something was up, so I just held him longer and we had a special time together before I took him to ER.

The interesting thing I noticed with both of my guys, during their recovery time, the day before they each passed, they each climbed up their CXC cage wall to nibble on the bars and get my attention for some fresh veggies, which, they rarely did anymore once they became sick Which was a little misleading and confusing for me, as I thought it was a good sign. and sadly the next day for each of them is when they became their sickest and passed.

I believe Nasim caught his respiratory infection from Pinky. Pneumonia, Gi Stasis.

I want to thank everyone for your support, I couldnt have done any of this without your support, resources, and shaing of experiences. Thank you. 🫶 🫶 🫶
I am so sorry you have lost Nasim too, how tragic, he must have pinned so hard for Pinky and succumbed to that infection, sending hugs

Popcorn high Nasim and Pinky 🌈