Goodbye My Pie

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jul 5, 2014
Reaction score
Canada, British Columbia, Maple Ridge
Today I say Goodbye to my Pie she was only a year and it was to fast for her to go and she was so healthy but I guess losing her last friend was to much for her and she stopped eating and drinking and just grieved for Tazo and I kinda feel awful cause I should of known that this would happen she's always had a mate ever since she was born.
Anyway goodbye Pie I'm gonna miss you go now to Rainbow bridge and forever be in peace and go see Tazo, George and Alfie, love you now FOREVER and ALWAYS and I'll NEVER FORGET you.
The following photographs show Pie completing the circle of life ending with the final photo which portrays her in her forever sleep
March 10, 2014- March 3, 2015

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I am so very sorry for the loss of your beautiful little piggie. Huge hugs to you at this sad time

Sleep well little one

x x
Run Free little one,

Lisa & Ali.. x
I am ever so sorry!

Popcron free with your companions again, Pie!
I'm really sorry, she was a beautiful little piggy and I know you will miss her so much.
Gone to the Bridge at only 1 year old?! Oh, no! I am so sorry for your loss. Pie was a very pretty little girl. She died of a broken heart, and has left your heart in pieces too.
BIG (((((HUGS)))) at this sad time.
Thank you everyone for the wonderful comments and I really miss her badly still. I only have my 4 boys now, Gilbert who's 5, Hodgins who's 4, Blitzer who's 2 and Smudge who's 1 and a half.
Gilbert her daddy who has just as lovely marking as his daughter did seems to realize she's gone he always use to talk to her but I could never let them live together cause well more little babies but anyway I think he also mourns her passing as I do.
I am so, so sorry for your loss of little Pie. She was beautiful, as is her Daddy from your avatar. Such a difficult time for you, I'm sure. I hope you feel some comfort that she is popcorning free with her mates at the Bridge. Still, that's small comfort for you, left missing her. Hugs from Canada.
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