Goodbye my beautiful Whisper


Forum Donator 2024/25
Jul 29, 2017
Reaction score
mansfield UK
A week ago today my beautiful piggy passed away and I miss her so much. I first met her when I went to a rescue for a companion for a grieving piggy and loved her as soon as I saw her. She had been taken in as an emergency due to neglect but her sister had passed away before help got there. She had a great personality and bonded with every piggy who lived with her over her time with me. She would always greet me with a 'well, where are my snacks' look whenever I came into the room and at snack time each evening she would sit on my shoulder, eat her veg snacks then lick my nose. She liked her cuddles too.
Her passing was traumatic for me following an op but I hope she never knew what was happening to her.
There is a deep void in my heart right now but I know she is no longer in pain and is meeting her sister and friends at the rainbow bridge. Her companions here have gone very quiet, even 7 days on, they will be missing her too but I brought her home from the vets and they said their goodbyes in their own way.

Be at peace now my sweet Whisper until we meet again xx

What a beautiful piggy, it sounds like she had a beautiful personality too. I am so sorry you lost her.
Sleep tight sweet Whisper.
I’m so sorry you lost your sweet Whisper. Now munching snacks at the rainbow bridge with her friends. Sleep tight little one ❤️🌈
Sorry for your loss. She sounded like a very special girl who I’m sure will live in your heart forever. Sleep tight beautiful Whisper x