Good size cage?


New Born Pup
Oct 22, 2020
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I just recently joined the forum and I am happy to be on here :) If i have done anything wrong with this post please tell me as this forum looks really confusing to a first time member and I would love some tips on what is normally done around here :blink:

With all that being said, into the post:

So my sister volunteers at an animal shelter and just a few days ago, they got a guinea pig.
Though the rescue probably doesn't know this, they aren't giving him/her the best care. They have him/her in a tiny cage (pet store cage) and HE/SHE. IS ALONE. If there is one thing I know about guinea pigs is that they should not be alone.

I have a heart open to all small animals and though I just got a hamster a few weeks ago, my parents didn't seem at all adverse to the idea when I brought it up being the animal lover I am.
I know the basics (no pet store cages, loads of hay and fresh veggies), but if there are any tips or super important things about their care that I should not miss please let me know.

Here is my basic plan if I do end up getting him/her:

Put him/her in a 2x6 C&C cage (16 sq. feet)
See if there are any guinea pigs in other shelters (or the same) and hopefully get 2 more
Neuter the guinea pigs that need to be neutered (preferably none. but we'll see)
Introduce them to each other
Feed 1 cup of veggies, unlimited hay, and high quality pellets (what brand is the best?)

etc. etc. this is just the basic plan.

My real question lies in the cage. Do you think this cage will be big enough for 3 piggies? And if so, I know some gender combos need more space than others so would 3 males need more space or 2 females and a male etc. etc.?

Thank you, I would love some advice so I can (maybe) give my future piggie/piggies a great life
Welcome to the forum

well done on doing your research first!

The first thing to say is that you cannot keep three males together as they will fight No matter how big of a cage you have. You can keep two males together but no more. Two males need a cage of 6ft x 2ft (which is a 5x2 c&c cage).
You can also only keep one neutered male to any number of females. So if this piggy is a male, then you must rehome either one more male and keep them together and not any add more piggies to this pair at all, or have him neutered and then only bring home females from then on.
a 2x6 c&c cage is big enough for four females or one neutered male and three females.
once neutered a boar needs to be kept away from females for a further six weeks after neutering as during the first six weeks he will still be fertile and cause a pregnancy.

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bonding piggies is a specific process - it needs to be done on neutral territory wind following the correct procedure detailed in this guide Bonding and Interaction: Illustrated social behaviours and bonding dynamics.