Good Progress Gone Bad...?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 3, 2016
Reaction score
Cheshire uk
Well I was so chuffed with myself but it's all gone wrong?!
Got my two girls back in may. At 7wk's. Made great progress eventually with bold one. Still can't catch her in hutch so if she doesn't want to jump into cosy to come out we are stuck. But she loves strokes in hutch and did get excited once on floor time.. but now she still likes stroles in hutch. Can't get near her on floor time she hides as soon as she's out. The other very timid one I haven't made much progress with in the 5mths I've had her. She won't come near me really for anything unless I put food to her in a hidey. I've read all the taming shy gps info and wondered if I go back to the beginning? Not going near them much and just talking etc. It's hard as they are outdoor piggies but hoping to bring them in next month for winter and for ever hopeful that being indoors they will get to know me all over again. I have tried to be soo patient but being totally honest finding little rewards... hate saying that but I want to hold my little girls n cuddle them. It makes me so pleased when I have a little stroke with tilly at the edge of the cage when I open the door.. she comes to greet me and I think she feels safe as I have never tried to pick her up at that point and also know she wants food! Tho sometimes she turns her nose up at what I have and sits there... has she just come for a stroke? Isn't it hard to read their little minds!
Go back to square one when they are indoors. Make sure that you avoid looking like a predator. I use a wastepaper basket turned sideways and padded with an old bathroom mat as pick up - it is easier to chivvy in piggies. I use my body for transport and currently use to bond my two skittish piggies, one of them who freaks out when being handled. I just pop an old towel over the opening, but my new boy is slowly relaxing. He is still to skittish to use the lap sitting under a blanket technique. It's not quick, but we are going in the right direction.

You may find that it is easier to interact when they are indoors. Perhaps you might want to think about putting the cage on a stand, secondhand table or small chest of drawers, so they are at a more convenient height for daily interaction and you get to see more of them.

How Do I Settle Shy New Guinea Pigs?
How To Understand Guinea Pig Instincts And Speak Piggy Body Language
How To Pick Up And Weigh Your Guinea Pig
I think I know what's coming already as a reply but In my head I think as long as they don't get chased and sit in their cosy etc picking them up lots maybe giving them a treat and putting them back ... does that help in them seeing that pick up is followed by food and isn't bad? Or does that just send them further in the opposite direction ? You always get people saying the more you do something and treat them the more they come to accept it.... am I totally wrong?
I think I know what's coming already as a reply but In my head I think as long as they don't get chased and sit in their cosy etc picking them up lots maybe giving them a treat and putting them back ... does that help in them seeing that pick up is followed by food and isn't bad? Or does that just send them further in the opposite direction ? You always get people saying the more you do something and treat them the more they come to accept it.... am I totally wrong?

You can do it that way. Treats go a long way with piggies. I would however recommend to turn it into a ritual with a firm melody and phrase (piggies react more to the tone and emotion in a voice than the content), so they learn to know what is coming up and can brace for it. If they are not blind jumpers, you can try cuddles between blankets on your lap.
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