Good bits and bad bits of cleaning out!

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Apr 20, 2007
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I have just finished (almost) cleaning out the shed and cages from top to bottom and disinfecting them in the worst bits as they stink. I was wondering as I was scraping poo up what is actually good about this apart from the piggies having a sparkling cage to run around in and poo in?

It is good to see them dash straight into the bedrooms as they know I have stacked it full of fresh hay that hasn't had a tiny bit of wee on it. They also love to find out whats new as I change it all around and today I have put in some fleece lined tunnels :smitten:
Hiya Lisa
where do you put them all while cleaning them out now its cold? I am being nosey ;D
Ah they were on the patio today its been lovely and sunny here and we have been doing the garden so they all took in turns to have a go in the run with some grass and veggies, I was in their stinky hutch cleaning it out dirty little boys ;D ;D Flash is now sat on top the bridge in a pile of hay munching like lord of the manor ::) ::) ::)
I cleaned my girlies out today.
I found that a large bottom half of a shoe box helps with cleaning out. Fill this with hay and less cleaning out! Spice loves this! And i also use a fleece blanket that they crawl in, snuggle up on.

I guess cleaning out is the same as flushing a loo for us?

And it looks nice clean :)
I actually like cleaning out days,I do it every other day,mine are very well trained... ;D I do the girls first,they go in the pigloos while I do the hutch,then when that's done they go back in the hutch while I clean up their run area, then the same for Jakes side.If I put the girls pigloos back in the wrong place georgie will move it back where she likes she can see Jake, this always makes me laugh ,so I do it on purpose now ;D. I love it when It's all clean
and tidy but that realistically lasts about 30 mins before they have tipped veg everywhere and pooped on everthing ::)
I don't really like cleaning them out that much but it's worth it to see them in a lovely clean cage running through all of the hay :smitten:
If its too cold they stay in their hutches and I work around them infact they find all the commotion dead exciting. Basil tries hiding under the newspaper and chewing it. Digby just sits and watches while the others are all down stairs and usually the 3 boars are in one part while I do another and Ronald and Donald follow me to what ever bit I go to ;D they all dive in to the fresh hay once its in :smitten:
Oh I cleaned my out today too, as you know Dazie and well dear me it took me ages, well actually James did most of it ;D
dazie said:
Ah they were on the patio today its been lovely and sunny here and we have been doing the garden so they all took in turns to have a go in the run with some grass and veggies, I was in their stinky hutch cleaning it out dirty little boys ;D ;D Flash is now sat on top the bridge in a pile of hay munching like lord of the manor ::) ::) ::)

;D Yes they used to stink thier hutch out here ::) nothings changed there then ::) I need an updated picture I want to see how big they are now :) Flash still is the Lord of the manor a ww give his tummy a kiss from me ;D and tell them all I still think of them ;)
I'm cleaning later today & i love it - up to my ears in pig poop, hay & straw & then it's all nice & the piggies run like loons chirruping & munching, makes me feel sooooo good  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
MICHELLE will give flash a tummy kiss this morning for you ;)
I am waiting for mike to get some batteries for the camera I keep nagging him will try and take some today for you O0
The worst bit about cleaning out is the way Damon smirks at me when I'm finished, then cheekily goes around the pen, pooping everywhere! I'm convinced he knows that it will frustrate me!
LOL Mine are exactly the same, went in this morning and it looked like I hadnt spent 2 hours cleaning them out yesterday ::) ::) flash has eaten pretty much all the hay on top the bridge and there was a ton up there I have now re filled it! And all the piggies have pooed in their fleece tunnels ::) ::)
I wonder if my housemates mind that the vacuum is always full of little poops.
I quite like cleaning out, I find it pretty easy too as a thick layer of newspaper means i can just roll up the mess, plus i clean out every day, my hubby moans if he can smell any tiny whiff so to keep him sweet i clean out cages loads and burn a lovly vanilla candle in the kitchen (piggys are kept in utility room (cept romeo who is in front room with me)
I get a buzz from them being all clean and tidy.... babies make ;D loads of wee's!!
I cleaned mine out this morning, I like cleaning out mine as they are so happy afterwards. :)
I got my profleece yesterday, so i cut it up into smaller pieces this morning. They were a little unsure about walking on it to start with but by the afternoon they were all fast asleep on it.
Alison said:
I cleaned mine out this morning, I like cleaning out mine as they are so happy afterwards. :)
I got my profleece yesterday, so i cut it up into smaller pieces this morning. They were a little unsure about walking on it to start with but by the afternoon they were all fast asleep on it.
That's good to hear I have just bought some of that,am going to try it out tomorrow when I give ours their clean out,all being bathed tomoz too,so early morning for me!!! ;D
I cleaned all mine in the shed today but didnt disinfect or anything and i like it when they are all popcorning in there fresh clean home thats the best bit ;D ;D
We cleaned our rabbit hutched today and within 2 seconds of being in fresh hutch Doris has to rip the paper up and dig out all her bedding ::)
dazie said:
LOL Mine are exactly the same, went in this morning and it looked like I hadnt spent 2 hours cleaning them out yesterday ::) ::) flash has eaten pretty much all the hay on top the bridge and there was a ton up there I have now re filled it! And all the piggies have pooed in their fleece tunnels ::) ::)

;D ;D ;D get those batteries for the camara greedy piggies eating you out of house and home ;D ;D ;D
I used to hate cleaning mine out when they were in the shed but now they're indoors I don't mind, as long as I'm not knackered!. I did the boys this morning, they've got a big pen so I have to go in with them when I'm doing it. I like it because they come up to see what I'm doing and I can then pick them up for cuddles.
I've got to do mine now and with the weather it isn't going to be fun... :-\
I love cleaning all mine out including the rescues. There is something very deeply satisfying to see them all on clean hay and clean everything else, a very primitive feeling I'm sure and very "mumsy" LOL ;D ;D ;D I love watching them explore everything too when they go back in.

It does however take me forever as I just keep stopping for cuddles, cuddles and then more cuddles. I'm totally lost in a little "piggie world" ............ ! ;D ;D ;D ;D
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