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Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 10, 2022
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My Guinea pig was neutered last Thursday. He has been healing perfectly. But as I was cleaning his cage I noticed this green/ brown goo on a fleece bed, I then checked his penis and it was coming from there. Is this normal? I do plan to call the vet tomorrow. I’m just freaking out right now. He is eating and drinking as normal. It’s got a mucus like consistency.


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Is this urgent? Should I call the emergency vet or can it wait till tomorrow?
I would say it looks like it would be fine to wait until morning and call your regular vet.

It is good you got photos, so I would gently clean the area with some warm water and see what happens.

Sorry for the delay in response but the majority of our members are based in the UK and Europe, so the time difference sometimes makes replies seem slower for those in the US/Canada.
My Guinea pig was neutered last Thursday. He has been healing perfectly. But as I was cleaning his cage I noticed this green/ brown goo on a fleece bed, I then checked his penis and it was coming from there. Is this normal? I do plan to call the vet tomorrow. I’m just freaking out right now. He is eating and drinking as normal. It’s got a mucus like consistency.


Please take a deep breath. This is not an emergency.

It is most likely that a tiny bit of the mucus membrane, which prevents digestive gut bacteria from being flushed out of the gut when the poos are being firmed up, has passed through. In view of the operation happening very close by in the body, it would be understandable. Like in the vast majority of these cases, it is highly likely going to remain a one-off event. Your boy is not in any danger and is not going take any harm from this.

It is good that you have taken pictures to show your vet.
The privates are very close to the anus. In my boy's case they're all hidden away in there together. Was this a one-off discharge or is it ongoing- it will help the vet to know. I hope he recovers well x