ahhh right now I know, but like many others I did vote for the person not the party its the persons abilitys not the partys abilitys i am interested in and that stinks they made a pact at Uni thats taking us for mugs , my hubby had his pic taken with John Major when he was a copper, still got it, but even he was not as strong as Maggie was, we really need some one who can rule for us , things like Iraq I think we should have had a vote on we would then have a true opinion on whether to go in , our choice not theres , hummmmm politics are so complicated its probably easy saying things like we have too many immigrants no more from now on we have too many problems with crime cage the guilty and stop letting them get away on technicalitys :tickedoff: hubby was a copper so I know what stupid reasons got them off , thats why he among others left or are leaving , we need a stronger police force and someone strong to run it NOW and no more red tape and for gods sake bring back strict matrons for hospitals like in carry on films they would never let bugs get in , I know I get carried away but I need an op for fibroids but am not prepared to risk my life catching God knows what, if Gordon Brown does all this then Good on him but somehow I doubt it ,