Gone off Science Selective - Burgess Indoor?


Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 29, 2018
Reaction score
Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom
Not sure if anyone else has experienced this but our latest bag of Science Selective nuggets are smaller than usual in nugget size and so my piggies are convinced I'm trying to poison them and refusing to eat them.

I was thinking of trying them on Burgess excel indoor nuggets because they have the potentially calming ingredients. Anyone got on well with these?
I feed them to my piggies and they like them. I try to get them to eat plenty of hay though by giving them handfuls of fresh hay throughout the day, although when I am at work, they get hay in the morning and then have to wait for more in the evening. If possible, I feed whenever the hay looks a bit flat and trampled.
My boys have recently started on Burgess Indoor - they are getting on well and like them but I don’t feed too much pellets anyway, they mostly have their hay and veg :) I just scatter the odd handful of pellets for them to forage for etc
Mine eat oxbow, but honestly, they don't show much interest in pellets. They prefer their hay and veg, which they eat with relish and they are still gaining weight as they are young. I'm not too worried about it. I can't force them to eat them and I have tried putting them in two little accessible piles but end up throwing them away when I spot clean. But I always offer them.
The calming ingredients could be working, but my boars are still skittish fellows 😄
Not sure if anyone else has experienced this but our latest bag of Science Selective nuggets are smaller than usual in nugget size and so my piggies are convinced I'm trying to poison them and refusing to eat them.

I was thinking of trying them on Burgess excel indoor nuggets because they have the potentially calming ingredients. Anyone got on well with these?
Yesss I've had the same happen here too with the science selective. My boys have gone off them. They definitely aren't as keen to eat them. And my Chip will eat anything. 😆
Mine are on selective grain free and they adore them.When I put their bowl in in the morning they practically pull it out my hands lol.
Yes we just recently got a new bag of science selective and when I opened it I thought I might have purchased the wrong one because they nuggets are so much smaller! I wonder why the change
Burgess was like crack for my boys. It was goooood! Now they get some Selective occasionally and I dont think they even noticed it is smaller. They at least chew the Selectives, the Burgess they just inhaled...
I've changed to indoor guinea pig nuggets and it seems to be going well with them. They like them.
Mine really loved the indoor ones, they have had them since they first came out but the last bag I bought were different. Smoother texture, a lot of them were a different shape (round instead of moon) and the colour is lighter. They have not gone down well. If you have the new version and they are eating them it's good but if yours are used to the old ones be prepared for a revolt!
Mine really loved the indoor ones, they have had them since they first came out but the last bag I bought were different. Smoother texture, a lot of them were a different shape (round instead of moon) and the colour is lighter. They have not gone down well. If you have the new version and they are eating them it's good but if yours are used to the old ones be prepared for a revolt!
Oh no. 😬Why do they always change a good thing. 🫣