Going to make a new home today! Need advice

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Hi, I was thinking of making my 2 guineas a new home today. I had used shavings in the past with guinea pigs I had and never had problems except my iching eyes and sneezing (hopefully from the cedar shavings and not the pigs) but my pigs sneeze often and I want to change. They are not litter trained so they poop and pee anywhere they please right now. I want to use something other than shavings to see if it helps their sneezing and my allergies. My husband has had a sore throat for way over a week and he is blaming my babies and I want to prove that its not them but their bedding (I hope)
SO, I have this very large wooden thing that I am going to lay down and use as their home. What should I put in the bottom? It will be very large so I didn't know whether to use some type of blanket or something and just change them out everyday or if I should use some type of bedding. I have looked at the beddings here and other than shavings, there is this other stuff that apperas to be made of egg shell cartons or something. ITs the same thing they use at the pet stores but its $20 a bag! OUt Walmart has smaller bags for $10, but I don't see it lasting long....any advice?
Vet bed is good for allergy sufferers. Are you in the States? People over the pond use fleece more than vet bed. I've pm'd you a link and there's cavycages to look at too http://www.guineapigcages.com/
I'm using fleece on towel for my indoor piggy. I've got fleecy baby blankets which i find easier to brush than vet bed. Tho' i do have a small piece of vet bed under the pigloos
I got Lenny and Chester a 100% polyester thingy that I am going to do their cage with. I got some carefresh bedding to go with it. I am going to try to get them to "go" in one place to poop and urinate. I have never done this before as I have only used cedar, so it will be a new experience for us all. I need to get those shavings out of there and clean the room up well so that maybe tonight mine and my husbands allergies won't be bad. I NEVER had allergies, but everytime I have owned a guinea pig, my eyes have iched so bad and sneezing too. I pray that it is those shavings and not the piggies! When I have it all done I will post a pic of their new home. It will be way later today though!
I mentioned yesterday that i would post a pic. I am still in that process but there is very SEVERE weather heading in my direction later today and I got a video to finish, so It will still be later.

I will say this though - They love it and so far, my husbands allergies do too! :)
OKay, here goes!
This is their new home for now. I bought another piggie today, so this 3x3 might need to go bigger when they get older. This thing is pretty large inside as you can see them in there and how big it looks compared to them. I have an igloo they get in, but took it out to show mainly them in the house. You can see my new bedding in it as well. The other things I mentioned are layered underneath this bedding. It is soft and they like it better. So do I. I will post pics of my new piggy in the photos section!

that looks great, ahve you got anything protecting the wood underneath as the urine can soak in and cause harmful bacteria (even with bedding)
Yes, it has wood, plus extra wood, plus a layer of cat litter (just in case) trash bags, their 100% polyester blanket (which I will be washing) then the bedding. I think that is a pretty good bit of layering, don't you think? O0
Well, Lenny, Chester and Ruxpin have a final NEW HOME now, LOL, after reading about the sizing of a cage for 3, I used a bookshelf that we had that was exactly the size we needed which was 2 1/2 X 5 1/2 feet. It is twice the size of the one in the pic above. They can run around plenty in this, plus we have been getting them out every night letting them chase each other around our room for a while. I took a pic of the new one. It has lots of layering plus 2 100% polyester blankets and this care fresh bedding really thick on top. Here is the pic:

Yeah, I have those, I just didn't put them in yet so I could take the pic with the piggies in it so they wouldn't hide. They have a huge hideout that goes in the middle.
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