Going to give fleece another try

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Senior Guinea Pig
Aug 15, 2010
Reaction score
I tried fleece a few months ago, but after my pig Sundae completely freaked out and didn't want to go into the cage I caved and went back to Carefresh. However, I am thinking of giving fleece another shot over the Christmas break. So just a couple of questions: if you're using fleece, how often do you change and wash the bedding and towels? How do you spot-clean in between? Do you just pick up poop/hay by hand or do you run a hand vacuum through there when the pigs are out? And how do you ensure that the pee wicks through... I noticed when I tried it that it took a minute or two for the pee to soak through and the pigs had wet bums from sitting there. And for those who have used fleece and Vetbed, is Vetbed worth the extra cost? I'm in Ontario, and though I have found a Canadian retailer it would still cost me a lot to have it shipped because it's bulky/heavy and the retailer is on the opposite coast. If it's significantly better I might be willing to put the money out, but not if fleece is just as good!
I have used fleece since we got our girls, I wash it every 3-4 days (not sure it needs to be that often though) and pick up poo and hay with a cat litter scoop at least once a day.
The fleece gets better the more it is washed, so maybe try washing it a few time before using it.
Heres just some info about how i use my fleece :

Newspaper, Towel, Fleece.

Changed every 3 days.

Poop scooped using hand vacuum daily, twice if they're lucky. If vacuum is not charged use a dust pan and brush :)

Wash new fleece 3 times (Without softener) to help the wee soak through as it gets off the top layer thing that stops wee getting through (hope that makes sense)

Any more questions just ask or feel free to message me i just changed to fleece a few weeks ago, best choice i ever made :)
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