Going to France :(

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jan 26, 2007
Reaction score
North Wales (but from the Wirral)
Going to France on Tuesday to see a supplier (work-related). Am well stressed - I have to fly to Paris then pick up a hire car and drive round the outer ring road and then south past Orleans. I've done it before and its terrifying - the ring road is mental and if you miss a sign as there are loads of lorries in the way you're goosed. Plus its a left hand drive car so I am forever bashing my hand on the door instead of changing gear! AND I always stall the damn thing at the toll booths! Plus I get so wound up before i go that I feel sick on the plane (but that could be coz its windy too).
The only good thing is that I get a couple of nights in a nice hotel with lovely food and no housework to do, but will miss OH and the fluffies. :(
Will have to remember not to order the lambs kidneys rare this time - I thought I was asking for nice slices of lamb but got my French mixed up!
Because I feel such a strong bond with you (as well as some others on this forum) I am more than willing to go to France for you. I will suffer through the fine dining and somehow manage the hot guys with hot accents. All for you. Just send me the ticket, you can pay me back later ;D

LOL at Kimmie.

But driving in France does sound scary especially driving on the opposite side to what you are used to! (I can't drive yet but I can imagine only).
cashmincal said:
LOL at Kimmie.

But driving in France does sound scary especially driving on the opposite side to what you are used to! (I can't drive yet but I can imagine only).

I hate driving in France. As a general rule in France, road discipline and the highway code is just something that is in books, it doesn't exist in reality. White lines on roads are just to make them look pretty and everything feels like a free for all. I have done it once, now when ever I visit I just say 'Taxi'!

I do feel for you - Good Luck!
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