Going Seal Watching Today!

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Adult Guinea Pig
Aug 9, 2006
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Yep, we're going seal watching today :D

There's a river in our village and two seals have been spotted in it - I saw the head of one yesterday before it swam in the opposite direction so we're going for a walk today with a flask of hot chocolate and binoculars to see if we can spot them again!
Wow lucky you. Hope you spot them. Are they supposed to be in your river or have they got lost? We went seal watching in Norfolk a couple of years ago and it was magical. There were literally hundreds of them and they were obviously used to being watched, they were very laid back, lounging on the sandbanks watching us! Have fun, and wrap up warm.
They must be lost - we're about 25 miles from the sea, so I'm hoping they'll find their way back ok.
it seems a lot of sea life is coming into rivers recently dolphins and seals etc got to be global warming, we are seeing the signs on a more day to day basis now aren't we?, apparently we will only have 2 seasons soon summer and winter I love spring :'(
michellemuffin said:
it seems a lot of sea life is coming into rivers recently dolphins and seals etc got to be global warming, we are seeing the signs on a more day to day basis now aren't we?, apparently we will only have 2 seasons soon summer and winter I love spring :'(

I love autumn :)
Well just got back, no seals but we did see an otter! I've never seen one before and from someone born and raised in Nottingham, it's quite exciting :D
Id love to see an Otter in the wild
Ive seen them close up and touched them but never running free,I hear theres a seal in the river at peterborough at the mo?
thats if hes still there

I'm thinking of going on a wildlife hunt tomm in strelley here in nottingham,mums popping into spring farm to get a bale of hay and there are woods with badgers etc behind it,she was brought up round there sort of and her schoolfriend used to live on the farm so she used to find all the interesting areas around strelley etc.time for me to find out now ;D
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