Going on a trip for a week


Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 4, 2024
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So my family and I are going on a trip for a week. During that time, my 2 piggies will be at my grandparents' apartment. Their apartment doesn't have enough space for the usual enclosure my piggies use.
So I bought a 2.5 ft x 1.5 ft x 1.3 ft cage just for that time duration.
I really don't have any other option, so I'm just worried if my piggies won't get depressed or something?
The biggest issue is using a space which doesn’t come anywhere near the size requirements means they could fight and fall out, particularly as you seem to have two boys. It’s only 3.75 square feet. A new environment will cause an increase in dominance and in such a small space will heighten tensions.

I’m not sure what we can suggest to help if you don’t have any other choice.
The cage sounds very small, half the recommended size. Are your piggies boars or sows? Sadly, the cage will not be suitable especially for a pair of boars and they may fight and fall out
The cage sounds very small, half the recommended size. Are your piggies boars or sows? Sadly, the cage will not be suitable especially for a pair of boars and they may fight and fall out
They're boars. Idk what else to do. This happened once before, last year. And my guinea pigs were in the cage for 3 days. They seemed okay and content. So I'm hoping this time won't be different.
All you can do is get your grandparents to throw in lots of hay every day so they can spend plenty of time foraging to keep occupied.
Make sure you take soiled bedding from their normal cage and put it in the cage at your grandparents house. It will go towards helping them settle but the reality is that the cage is too small
All you can do is get your grandparents to throw in lots of hay every day so they can spend plenty of time foraging to keep occupied.
Make sure you take soiled bedding from their normal cage and put it in the cage at your grandparents house. It will go towards helping them settle but the reality is that the cage is too small
Thanks for the tip! I'll try my best and if possible, I'll tell my grandparents to take them out of the cage and let them roam about a bit if possible.