gizmo chatted his teeth at me!

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when i had gizmo on my lap he was squeaking a bit and then his teeth started to chatter!I was shocked so i put him back in his cage cos he obviously wanted to be on his own. He's never done this before he's alot more used to me like he doesnt shiver mow each time i stroke him so i'm wondering what i done differently this time with him or do you think he was just havin a bad day?
Smidge my male rattled his teeth at me before because he smelt georgy on me (another male)
When my piggies need a wee they move around alot like try to escape from me  ;D biscuit just wees on me she dont care :( 98) :smitten:, i love her louds still x
furryfriends said:
Mine do it when they have been sat on my lap for a while and they need to go back into their cage for a wee! Its obviously their way of saying put me back or I will wee on you!

same here or they move around lots. Not all of mine do anything and just end up peeing on me! :D
he done it again last night once i stopped stroking him he stopped. left him 5 minutes and stroked him again and he was fine. Do guineas have rebelious teenage phases? hes about 8 months
I have found that sometimes they just get mad or annoyed.

One time my girlfriend was a bit too rough in trying to pick my pig up, and he let her know. He squeeked very loudly and crooked his head to the side and chattered his teeth the loudest I have ever heard any pig... and he stayed that way for about a minute! Then I took out some spinach (his favorite) and he immediately snapped out of it and was back to normal. haha, they are so funny sometimes!
oh... wilson was chattering his teeth at me today too! I guess he was moody because of the heat! Its bloody 42 degrees here! >:(
baby-wilson said:
Its bloody 42 degrees here! >:(
Stop complaining lol, i cant wait to go Melbourne in Aussie on holz in august :) i hope its still nice and warm!
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