Junior Guinea Pig
So we rehomed 3 baby girls on Friday and they came with lots of gear their previous owners had bought for them. She'd clearly done her research and they are well provided for how ever I was shocked to discover they were being kept in what I would consider a single hutch. They do have a large run that they get plenty of time in but I really need to get them something else so they have plenty of space. My issue is that I'm a single mum without much spare cash so as much as I would love to get them the very best I just can't afford that right now. I want to bring them indoors and I love the look of the c&c cages but with a dog and a four year old they just aren't for us. So I'm thinking what's the cheapest but not naff indoor housing option for 3 piggies. Space is limited so I'm thinking a two story might be an option. I'm quite crafty so happy to carry out any alterations to cages.