Girls mounting?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 1, 2011
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My 3 girls have lived together happily for just under 18 months. This morning, I was awoken by loads of squeaking. For the last 2 hours, Smudge has been mounting both Pebbles and Misty, and its appears biting on their backs. When they ain't being mounted, Smudge is chasing them around the cage. It has just got to the point where I have had enough of trying to let the sort their differences. I can't watch it anymore, the 2 being chased and mounted are petrified, whites of the eyes showing. I have never seen them this scared even when the have been to the vets.

Right now, I really don't know what to do. Smudge is currently in a play pen away from the other 2. I don't know whether to put the back together soon or just separate them for good. But the problem with separating them is Smudge will be alone as I can not get another guinea pig.
I've been experiencing this myself the last week or so. It started when my youngest and smallest sow decided to upheave the established hierarchy (after living with it for the last year and a bit). I was very worried about one of my piggies (particularly the last two days) as I hadn't seen her eat much and was constantly being chased (in and out of every hidey) and mounted and would shriek whenever my boss pig would go near her.

I posted on here, and was given some advice which confirmed my first reaction which was to keep them together and wait it out, whilst keeping a close eye on them. If a major fight broke out I would separate them but at the moment I've let them sort it out themselves. I was surprised by my middle pig, who was suffering the most of the dominance mounting and chasing, who decided this morning it was her turn. She is now currently rumblestrutting and facing off with boss pig (who is currently hiding under some hay!).

It has been hard to watch and listen to, but they seem to be sorting it out.

I would keep an eye on them, I took the troublemaker out for a little while every now and then when she became too dominant with them to give the other two a break for a bit. Is Smudge usually the most dominant?
It sounds like a hormonal spike in connection with a very strong season. Hopefully it will be all over within a day and they will be Ok again.

If the behaviour continues, I would have her checked for ovarian cysts or hormonal problems. You do not need all symptoms listed present.
Thanks! I have never been able to tell who is more dominant out of Smudge and Pebbles, they just appear so "close" and its almost like they change on a daily basis. So looking at it from that view, prehaps it could have been trying to mantain dominice?

Anyway, I put Smudge back after about half an hour. Straight away, all 3 went and nestled themselves in the hay together. From that behaviour, I am hoping it was just a silly "arguement" they had! I was just getting so worried about them due to the sheer amount of time it was lasting.

I am away from home now, however my mummy is keeping a very close eye on them, and should they start bickering again, she is to call and we can sort it out like that. Just so glad she is happy to handle them now as a few months back, she wouldn't go near them!

With regards to possible cysts, well I would have never thought that this could be something medical! Fingers crossed it isn't, but at least I know what to look out for now!
It definitely could be her trying to maintain her position as boss pig or a 'threat' to her position may have coincided with her coming into season as Wiebke said. My boss piggie is particularly horrible when she is season, my other two have learned to steer well clear!

That's good to hear they all snuggled up when reunited! It was probably just a spat :)

Keeping my fingers crossed it all stays calm you and your girls! I
Sounds hormonal to me. Over the years with a combination of piggies one thing never changes...when one comes into season its chaos! can get quite 'horrible' a few days of the month, mounting, bickering, chasing etc but it always sorts itself out, just try to make sure there are enough places for the others to get away and chill if they need to.

Definitely worth thinking about cysts though, one of my worst offenders who in the end had to be separated for 24 hours as she was quite literally wearing herself out (panting exhausted on her side for 20 mins then up and chasing again for 24 hours non stop). It turned out she had cysts, she was so much better once she'd had Chorulon injections. Just worth keeping an eye on...unfortunately girls will be girls though!...rolleyes

just been watching my new 11 week old girl in season who is currently playing 'chase me, chase me ' with the boy. He then proceeds to mount her and she just sits there with what can only be described as a huge grin in her face....NAUGHTY guineas! (thanks goodness he is neutered!) The others are trying to turn a blind eye to it all:red
Its hormonal plus asserting dominance. I have 5 girls and they all mount one another when they are in season. And when they are arguing they do it as well...
That exactly what I wanted to film long time.
[ame=""]Ruby period and bulling other sows - my guinea pigs guineas 00000040 - YouTube[/ame]
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