Girls having a quarrel

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Nov 22, 2006
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Ok, my two girls have been fine since i've got them. But last night Grissom started doing a little , i think, sex dance. Wiggleing her bum, puring, then poor ol Nutmeg would end up being tried to be mated! Which she didn't like, so she let Grissom know by nipping her and chasing her round the cage for a bit. They are DEF both girls and have never shown agression toward each other before. OH say's we'l have to split them if they keep doing it, which i know as i don't want them fighting either. But that would mean someone would have to go back outside in the shed which i dont want. Any tips on stopping them? I clapped my hands when grissom got close, she just purred more! I got them both out, they seemed to calm down. Put them back in the cage and it all started again! Any tips? Is she just a bit excited with it coming up to x-mas maybe? :o
How old are they?

Two of mine who I have had since they were babies went through a similar phase during their 'adolescent' phase. It did pass and they are fine again now. Might be something like this that is causing the problem?

Is there any other things going on other than the rumblestrutting/mounting? These things are usually shows of dominance so they are trying to work out who is the boss. Is either showing teeth (yawning) or lunging towards the other? These are the more aggressive signs and are definatly to be taken seriously.....

Unless they are showing real aggression or hurting each other, I personally would just watch them very closely for now and see how they get on but obviously you know them best. It would be a shame for them to have to live apart..... especially if one has to go outside alone.
I believe they are about 5-6 months. I'm their 3rd, and last, home. So i'm going on how long the other people had them.
Def not real aggression. Just the nipping and chasing. She hasn't done it since i posted this, so perhaps she was just going through a phase?
Awww is that what it's called, rumblestrutting, thats so sweet!
Hang on in there Darkest D. It certainly sounds like the terrible teens to me! Emily went through a real stage of it & my first instinct was to seperate them but fortunatley I didn't. Emily is now such a fantastic little(well big) pig full of character.
Cool, i deal deal with the teenager stage, so long as it's not permanent! Thanks for the replys. :)
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