Girls behaving badly!

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furryfriends (TEAS)

Forum Founder
Senior Guinea Pig
Jul 30, 2006
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Director at TEAS (East Hunsbury) Northampton
It started yesterday - Clare and Petal were charging at their other cage mates - not hurting them but causing them to have to move out of the way fast! This went on all afternoon and evening. Then I was woken in the night by what felt like the house shaking! Was it an earth tremor? :o No it was the girls again! Then I could hear squealing as though someone was in pain! I dashed into the piggy room but as soon as they saw me they all froze and didn't move. The boys were all standing up the bars clearly enjoying the nights entertainment! The minute I left the room the squealing and charging around started again. I dashed back in and again they all froze and just stared at me! I even tried peeping round the door to see what was going on but it was though they knew I was there and just pottered around their cage. This morning all seemed calm again but I have just found out what all the squealing is about. Clare is constantly pulling Hannah and Leah's hair. She won't leave them alone! They are getting quite upset by it! :( Any ideas about how to stop this? She has never done it before! Generally the six of them all life very happily together.
Oh dear! I have no idea how to help sorry but if it's any consolation, my girls are driving me up the wall lately too! They charge at eachother and chase eachother round an have even started nipping?! No idea what's got into them! Hope you get them sorted out! x
Mine have been little bugs the last few days. Flora will nip Fleur's bum to say get out of my house! So now they have two bedrooms and when Flora decides she wants to go in the one Fleur is in she will let her know.

I don't know what to suggest, if they aren't physically fighting then perhaps they will work it out between themselves. I had that with my boys last week. Lots of teeth chattering at one another but I paid no attention to them and now they are the best of mates again! Teenage tantrums! :D

Good luck with them!

jnenbnb said:
Oh dear! I have no idea how to help sorry but if it's any consolation, my girls are driving me up the wall lately too! They charge at eachother and chase eachother round an have even started nipping?! No idea what's got into them! Hope you get them sorted out! x

Maybe there's something in the air! ;D People go on about boys, but give me boys any day! Mine are little angels compared with the girls! The more they are squealing the more she is doing it! She just pulled Demon's hair and she ignored her so she has gone back to terrorising the other two!
Hormones possibly- any signs of cysts? Hairloss/leaky nipples, weightloss/gain (drastic).

How old is she?
karenrgpr said:
Hormones possibly- any signs of cysts? Hairloss/leaky nipples, weightloss/gain (drastic).

How old is she?

Clare is about a 1 1/2. She is a very small pig and weighs 875 g today. I have checked her weight and it has been fairly constant. She doesn't look at all thin because she is so small. She has always had plenty of attitude and what she hasn't got in size she makes up for in character! No hair loss or leaky nipples or anything like that. She is just being a little devil! >:D Its just unusual for her to be quite nasty to the others.
I thought it was just boys! I've got two teenagers who bicker all the time at the moment. One got scratched on his back and I nearly had to seperate them. I did a semi rebonding and it has calmed things. I took them to a neutral place for floortime with new boxes tubes to play with etc. Then totally washed everything down and rearranged it all. I know boys react to eachothers scent but the rearranging seemed a real distraction! Don't know if it would work for your girls.....good luck Lesley
karenrgpr said:
She'll probably mellow with age then :)

I hope so! :) Its been much calmer this evening although she is still having the odd tug of Hannah's hair! No more charging round either!

She might be the smallest but she does like to be the centre of attention! She is a famous little piggy! She appeared on Grange Hill (before she came to live with me). :)
She might be the smallest but she does like to be the centre of attention! She is a famous little piggy! She appeared on Grange Hill (before she came to live with me). :)

There you go then, she is exercising her right as a star to be a piggie DIVA. :D ;D :D ;D
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