Girls and Boys Toilet habits!

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Apr 20, 2007
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I was just wondering if anyone else has the same problem as my Piggy's.

The girls are terrible at weeing and pooing they go every where once, I have cleaned them out they are filthy again by the evening. My boys are great they use the corners for their poo and wee and I hardly have to change there whole cage I can just do the filthy bits each day.
oh my max is so good he poos in the doorway to the bedroom or in the little coner b the water bottle and wees in a coner in the bedroom

my aflie he is allways wet as he drinks a lot so wees alot and he poos in coners

holly and meggie anit to bad at weeing nad pooing in one place

and well lillys cage is jsut there do it whereever even in the dish
Mine are quite good, they've got a piggie toilet but not everyone uses it, however they never wee in their bedroom end or upstairs, not bad habits but could improve ;D
all my boys do it wherever they like. food bowls, sleeping areas, anywhere! They're men though so what should I expect ;D
Squeak just goes wherever she happens to be standing at the time! ;D
My boys will kinda of go whereever, but they will only go at one side of the cage, but they will do it on all 3 levels but only at that side, never at the other.
Mine poo everywhere in there cage, including the food bowls, how higenic ::) I have to clean the out fully twice a week now thereso scruffy ::)
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