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Ginger again

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I have just noticed that Ginger looks to have bumblefoot. I have seen what looks like an ulcer/growth on her front paw. She has always had a black pad on her front foot but it sees to have grown and the foot looks black and red. Any advice would be appreciated :)
Vet for that one, she may need antibiotics. Also contact Chrissie at www.gorgeousguineas.com
She is in the process of testing a new lotion for bumblefoot and trials are looking promising, ask her and I am sure she can help. Email pic of foot if possible :)
I would ditch the sawdust to be honest, it is not recommended for guineas any more as it can cause skin and foot problems as well as respitory infections. Have a look at all the other types of bedding options at the top of housing section :)
One of the first things I'm sure Chrissie will advise you to do is to get her off the shavings. I would put her on something like fleece or even a towel. The oils in shavings can be very irritating on feet.
Good luck with little Ginger :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
we're totally on towels for our little guy O0 lots of washing but it's worth it O0
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