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Gigantica's Weight Loss

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Jennifer D

Teenage Guinea Pig
Nov 21, 2014
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada

So I weighed Tica this morning and she came in at 1310 grams. When I first brought her home she weighed 1550 grams! I'm pretty sure it's a healthy weight loss as she eats well and her cage is now three times the size of the one that she previously lived in. She was living like Henry VIII in that previous home lol! Treats made for gerbils, pellets and no hay. I give her and vixen a third of a cup of pellets daily and she finishes that right off (I've seen Vixen eating thankfully!) as well as continuous hay eating. I think she's just happy to have the exercise! She's actually quite active- but she's younger than my other two so I guess that's to be expected!
Gosh, gerbil food! I would say her healthy weight now is down to your good care and the right diet. You may need to change her name!
Gosh, gerbil food! I would say her healthy weight now is down to your good care and the right diet. You may need to change her name!
I had to laugh- the lady gave me her "treats" that she "absolutely loves" when I left with her and when I got home I opened them up and they were little mini pizzas! They did have some dried veggies on top but the rest was a grain biscuit thing ;) Tica looked a little upset when I put it out for the blue jays! Hahahaha! I'm thinking of calling her Slimtica now ;)
I had to laugh- the lady gave me her "treats" that she "absolutely loves" when I left with her and when I got home I opened them up and they were little mini pizzas! They did have some dried veggies on top but the rest was a grain biscuit thing ;) Tica looked a little upset when I put it out for the blue jays! Hahahaha! I'm thinking of calling her Slimtica now ;)
What an odd treat!
It does sound like healthy weight loss- she was eating nothing but junk food and not having room to move before! I'm sure she was sad to see the 'pizza treats' go, but this is much better in the long run!
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