Jennifer D
Teenage Guinea Pig
Gigantica finished her quarantine a few days ago, but I gave it a few extra days anyways. So today she met all her new piggy friends that she's never had before (aside from the company of her baby once,I suppose!). I let them all meet each other yesterday morning in their giant rabbit play pen (it's massive) and after a little bit of strutting her stuff like the usual, everyone was happy and waddling all over. I let them all run around for about two hours while I watched tv in the room. No problems! Yet when I put Gigantica in the cage with Spike (my most docile pig) they were not pleased with each other at all! I had to scoop Gigantica up with the igloo! Lol! Typically, I had thought that she and Spike would get along well! Turns out Spike's got a little sass in her after all!
So anyways I ended up putting Gigantica in with baby Vixen and they get along splendidly! I made sure to put Vixen's little ice cream bucket house in with them as Gigantica is far too... Ummmm.... wide.... to make it anywhere near that and I had horrible visions of Vixen being smothered by.... Gigantica's.... boooooty...., but they are eating hay together and they both cuddle in the log house at night. I imagine Spike may have just decided she didn't want Gigantica in her cage. Spike has always lived with Oreo (for 5 + years) and I was reluctant to split them up anyhow. I decided to try them all in the playpen together again today and..... absolutely fine! For two hours again! I'm not too worried that they don't want to live together as they live in two separate cages (stacked C&C) anyways. Do you think it's just a space issue with Spike since they are getting along in their exercise area which is about 4 times the size of the cage? (Spike gets along with Oreo and Vixen just fine). Each cage is a 2x4 C&C. Gigantica so far, has shown to be the dominant lady but with the other pigs they just accept that and move on but with Spike it's hair up and lunging! Eeeek! Before I got Gigantica, Oreo was the dominant pig but she and Gigantica get along swell! lol! Who would have thought?!~
So anyways I ended up putting Gigantica in with baby Vixen and they get along splendidly! I made sure to put Vixen's little ice cream bucket house in with them as Gigantica is far too... Ummmm.... wide.... to make it anywhere near that and I had horrible visions of Vixen being smothered by.... Gigantica's.... boooooty...., but they are eating hay together and they both cuddle in the log house at night. I imagine Spike may have just decided she didn't want Gigantica in her cage. Spike has always lived with Oreo (for 5 + years) and I was reluctant to split them up anyhow. I decided to try them all in the playpen together again today and..... absolutely fine! For two hours again! I'm not too worried that they don't want to live together as they live in two separate cages (stacked C&C) anyways. Do you think it's just a space issue with Spike since they are getting along in their exercise area which is about 4 times the size of the cage? (Spike gets along with Oreo and Vixen just fine). Each cage is a 2x4 C&C. Gigantica so far, has shown to be the dominant lady but with the other pigs they just accept that and move on but with Spike it's hair up and lunging! Eeeek! Before I got Gigantica, Oreo was the dominant pig but she and Gigantica get along swell! lol! Who would have thought?!~