Getting To Know You.......

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SW Belle

Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 6, 2015
Reaction score
South Somerset, UK
no, not starting a song & dance routine!
We have a bossy lady pig and a poor, downtrodden gentleman pig... She bustles around the hutch baggsying the best of the veggies and inspecting the nugget bowl . He is a scaredy pig who waits until she lets him near any food, I think we need two bowls of everything for now until I'm sure he is getting his fair share!
I've made a towel lined lap-fleece so the OH can have cuddles too (he's disabled so a bit scared of holding them at the moment). I think we will have the most spoiled Guineas in the village soon!
Photos will follow as soon as we have mastered the subtle art of lap-sitting........

Yes, get two of everything that will help even houses so they have their own space.

Start lap time off for small amounts of time at first and use food as a bribery - the way to a piggies heart. Looking forward to photos in the future
Yes, definitely 2 of everything & maybe open ended houses like log bridges so that she can't sit at the door & keep in in :) x
Thanks for your comments, at least we're mostly on the right track with them, I hadn't thought of handling Miss Greedy Guts first though so will bear that in mind too.
They are still hiding from us a little bit so I've put one lot of food in the main hutch and one lot in the bedroom and made sure there's plenty of access room so she can't block him either in or out.
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