Getting To Know You, Getting To Know All About You

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 21, 2012
Reaction score
Today we got out the spare grids, a spiderman blanket and a huge pile of hay and set about introducing our 18mth pig Moose with the new guy, Little Fonzie (age unknown but he's small).

This is what's happened so far:

- Fonzie has eaten most of the hay
- Moose has rumbled a couple of times to Fonzie but I'm not sure if Fonzie knows what it means as he hasn't rumbled back.
- Fonzie keeps following Moose around and sniffing his bum
- they've nuzzled each others faces (looks like eskimo kisses)
- Moose almost got stuck in the wee tunnel we put down for Fonzie in case he got scared
- they both started cleaning themselves
- Moose started to fall asleep

They've both been quite vocal and the noises don't sound bad or like they're scared. Fonzie has popcorned as well. It feels like he is quite excited to meet Moose and Moose is like meh, yeah whatever.

So yeah, this is the first step in getting them to know one another. I have a good feeling about this so hopefully putting them together for good next week.

It's been five days we put them to live with one another and it's been such a long time since we first introduced boars to one another we'd almost forgotten what it was like.

Moose is doing a lot of rumbling and hip swaying but this is only when Fonzie gets up into his face. When I say "get up in his face" I mean that Fonzie seems like he wants to be near Moose all the time and spends a lot of his time following him around and making excited noises.

There hasn't been anything going on that I would consider a cause for concern though *touches wood*. Moose doesn't seem bothered by Fonzie's presence in general and Fonzie seems like a happy chap that doesn't let anything phase him. I'm hoping this is a good starting point for the both of them.

I keep forgetting that when we first got Capy and Moose, it was a very similar situation - although they were the same age and there was more mounting and nipping - but after a while you would find them sleeping next to one another. I guess it just takes time for them to bond.
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