Getting rid of Guinea Pig Waste?

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Jan 22, 2008
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Harleston, Norfolk
On my regular visit to the tip yesterday I was told by a quite scary supervisor lady that you are only allowed one bag of animal waste per week. ONE! I have lots. I used to compost it but had a rat - just the one, but I didn't want the neighbours complaining so I got rid of the compost bin and have been really careful not to leave anything around where the rats could feed or nest. Haven't seen it since. I don't want to have to use poison or traps because I'm too soft....

SO... what does everyone else do with their guinea pig waste? I've got lots of pigs and get several bags a week. I could take it to the allotment and burn it but I don't feel this is very ok for the environment. I use newspaper, megazorb and hay as bedding.

One bag! :o

We have seven pigs living in three groups. So we have a large bin bag per week. OH takes it to work with him as they have a skip at his school all the time. :)
We got an extra black wheelie bin (general household waste) delivered & mine goes in that because our bin men will not take any bags which aren't in the bin & we're not allowed to put it in our green bin (recyclables). It was either this or leave it in the garden for Bulk Waste to take it, they will take 10 bags 3x a year. Not much help when the piggies generate 3-4 bags every week ::)
here in oz as we have 2 piggies and 1 bunny we got to the dump about once a month. damn dumps here go by weight, last trip to the dump cost $30.00 (round 15 pounds). perhaps you could get a mulcher and mulch the waste up and put it in the garden. but then your worried about the rats. :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff: if i saw a rat i would still be running! the only other thing i can suggest is either change the bedding or find another dump. sorry was not much help. good luck with it though. hugs and cuddles to you and your fur babies. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Thanks everyone! Had thought about getting an extra bin... will look into that. Just don't want rubbish laying around because the rat freaked me out a bit! I've got a dog but he's not really interested in rats, think he thinks it's a pet too (he's been brought up with the pigs all over the place!).

I probably have 4 sacks a week and our bins only get collected once a fortnight.

I think you can get composters that are off the ground - that might work?!


I put it in the bin, used to compost it but it stunk in the summer and council don't allow pig poo in their lovely bins for greenery! 98) It's only poo I said, but they wouldn't have it! Never thought I would say
Yes, I was a bit shocked having driven to the tip with a bootful of guinea pig pooh to be told one bag only! :tickedoff: She was quite a scary lady!

Perhaps I will compost it at the allotment where there's more space, and more to the point it's not near my house!

Never though GP pooh would be such a problem!

furryfriends said:
I put mine in my green bin and then pile grass and weeds on top so they don't realise what is underneath! ;D
My mum does the same ;D The 2 of the bins are full already so she is going around putting dead flowers and the greenry from the church flowers in aswell :D Thought she was the only person that done it.
lolseh said:
furryfriends said:
I put mine in my green bin and then pile grass and weeds on top so they don't realise what is underneath! ;D
My mum does the same ;D The 2 of the bins are full already so she is going around putting dead flowers and the greenry from the church flowers in aswell :D Thought she was the only person that done it.

I was pulling weeds out the borders at 6 am the other morning...just so I can make sure i hid the evidence! I've watched the bin men check the bins before taking them so it had to be done! ;D ;D ;D
furryfriends said:
lolseh said:
furryfriends said:
I put mine in my green bin and then pile grass and weeds on top so they don't realise what is underneath! ;D
My mum does the same ;D The 2 of the bins are full already so she is going around putting dead flowers and the greenry from the church flowers in aswell :D Thought she was the only person that done it.

I was pulling weeds out the borders at 6 am the other morning...just so I can make sure i hid the evidence! I've watched the bin men check the bins before taking them so it had to be done! ;D ;D ;D

She isn't that bad... Yet ;D It is a good way to get rid of the bedding aslong as you cover it.
I've got 3 black bins :D 2 are what was just left on the street so i gave them a home :D i put 1 outside nxt doors and 2 in front of our house :D
our council let us put it in our brown recycle bin (which is for biodegradable waste)

i double checked with them as once our bin got rejected and i foned and asked them if it was because of the waste, and they said no, that it was ok as long as we didnt bag it up, just empty it straight into the bin, so thats what we do
I read recently that councils have to have a special licence to compost animal waste and that is any animal waste, if there is anything that is banned found on a lorry then the whole lorry load cannot go for composting . I think it is to do with health and safety and the fact that the compost is sold to the public.
oh well, I'm not gonna stop doing it until the council tell us to, as i cant fit it in our black bin, our black bin is always overflowing as it is! damn student housing, means more rubbish!
It's not small animal waste that's the problem, it's cat and dog waste that councils need to dispose of carefully - there's much more of a health risk from it.

My local council will compost shavings, hay and small animal poop in our brown bin (which is cardboard and garden waste) but not the soggy newspapers or megazorb. Doesn't really make sense to me. Thankfully we don't have much rubbish anyway so it's not a problem to put it in the other bin.
i get the guilts about all the newspaper i throw out so i sometimes put in to be recycled.......
I also got a extra bin that i put it all in... the bin men here dont care (general attidude to most things in ireland)
Can you leave it as green waste? You can get green bin liner bags from the shops and (well this is my area don't know if it's different for you) the bags get left out of the recycle bins and they take them away. So long as the animals are not meat eaters it can be collected as normal.

Anyway I shouldn't start talking and bloomin' recyling bins it's been a nightmare! :tickedoff:
I put my wet newspaper and hay into plastic bags ,fasten them tightly and put in the wheelie bin.Lots of bags but no probs.

Pellets and any left over veg go in the compost bin at the bottom of the garden.We do not have a problem with rats.
I put the newspaper in the blue paper bin and the hay and wasted food and stuff in a bin bag that I empty into the green wheelie bin (I put the bin bag in the normal black wheelie bin).
Sandwell specifically state no animal waste at all in the green bin for composting. They take the waste in black bags as ordinary rubbish.
Mine just goes in the usual rubbish bins. I was going to get a compost bin but I asked around to see if anyone would actually use the compost and they wouldn't so gave up on that idea.
Local stables muck heap for me! If you can stand all the washing (I don't know how Ron does it I think I am allergic to wasihng machines) you could swap them onto vet bed which drastically reduces waste or it might be worth chatting up a local farmer to see if he would have it on his muck heap?
poo, straw, hay goes up the far end of the garden in a compost bin. The newspaper goes out for the bin men, if it's not too wet then i stick in it for recycling. I still have a number of bags at the end of the week though ::)
to get rid of my excess about 6 binbags full of guinea pig poo and straw hay megazorb i contacted Norfolk County Council and i hae to double bag it and clearly label it and max 2 bags per visit to nearest dump! what a cufuffle! :o :o :o
Ours got spread back onto the laaaaandddddddddd at a farm O0 The rest goes in the black bin in a way xx0
I have 28 guinea pigs so this is a huge problem for me :-\

I'm only 18 and look after my piggies all on my own with no help from anyone and cannot drive so cant dispose of it that easily :P

I have like 2 green bins and i put 6 black bags in them - although they get emptied every 2 weeks plus theres our household rubbish too :-\

We recycle as much as we can to save room for all our rubbish and i still have loads of black bags next to my shed waiting for the bins to be emptied ::)
I use fleece blankets now with newspaper lining and shredded paper for warmth so really little waste now - it's brill!
daftscotslass said:
It's not small animal waste that's the problem, it's cat and dog waste that councils need to dispose of carefully - there's much more of a health risk from it.

My local council will compost shavings, hay and small animal poop in our brown bin (which is cardboard and garden waste) but not the soggy newspapers or megazorb. Doesn't really make sense to me. Thankfully we don't have much rubbish anyway so it's not a problem to put it in the other bin.

mine wont do newspaper, cos we put those in a different bin, but they do allow megazorb :o
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