Getting My Little Gilligan To Trust Me More


Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 6, 2018
Reaction score
I'm new at the guinea pig thing, and it's been 3 months since I got Gilly and I can get him to crawl to my lap for a little baby carrot or a banana chip, and if he is eating I can pet him and he LOVES it... but he won't let me pet him any other time unless he is either eating or on my lap... I didn't do much research until after I got him... I got him from petsmart so that may be why he is so skiddish. He talks to me and any time I rub him he purrs like there isn't anything else haha. I'm just trying to get little tips on how I can get him to trust me a little bit more.
Welcome you and Gilly. Guinea pigs are prey animals so they are naturally cautious. If he’s climbing onto your lap that’s positive.
Be gentle and patient and you will soon learn what he likes. Not all piggies will like lots of petting.
Is he alone?
Guinea pigs need companions - they are social creatures.
There is lots of helpful advice for new piggy owners on the forum so browse away and keep asking questions.
Welcome you and Gilly. Guinea pigs are prey animals so they are naturally cautious. If he’s climbing onto your lap that’s positive.
Be gentle and patient and you will soon learn what he likes. Not all piggies will like lots of petting.
Is he alone?
Guinea pigs need companions - they are social creatures.
There is lots of helpful advice for new piggy owners on the forum so browse away and keep asking questions.
Well right now he is alone, but he also has a semi small cage and my wife and I are about to be moving so we were going to wait until we get moved to buy another from a trusted seller rather than a pet shop or breeder
Some piggies wont let you touch them in the cage...

Chickpea will let me stroke her on my lap but in cage is a no and I have had her for a year. Each piggy is different. You are doing really well, none of my pigs would consider climbing on my lap :)) Just keep doing what you are doing, all of a sudden they become tamer